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How to Remove Buddypress Registration

  • @rapforthemoment


    Hey Buddypress users. I have current version of WordPress and Buddypress (4/22/2016).

    I am trying to completely remove the need for Buddypress registration. Reason being, I have a theme that has its own registration process. With Buddypress registration, that makes it two completely different registration processes.

    I want to remove the need to have a Buddypress registration process completely. I have searched throughout your entire forum and I have tried everything. Nothing works. I continue to get the message “Missing buddpress register page. Repair.”

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  • @djpaul


    If you delete the page, I think you can probably just ignore that banner notification. It’s only telling you that the page isn’t set, but you already know that, because you’ve done it on purpose.

    There isn’t a way to remove the nag message.



    Is there really no way to remove that nag notification? That seems like a pretty big drawback. Not even in the Buddypress files, there isn’t some code to cut out or insert to remove this message?



    I have successfully removed the message from appearing in my backend by cutting out this code in wp-content/plugins/buddypress/bp-core/admin/:

    if ( !empty( $orphaned_components ) ) {
    		$admin_url = bp_get_admin_url( add_query_arg( array( 'page' => 'bp-page-settings' ), 'admin.php' ) );
    		$notice    = sprintf( __( 'The following active BuddyPress Components do not have associated WordPress Pages: %2$s. <a href="%1$s">Repair</a>', 'buddypress' ), esc_url( $admin_url ), '<strong>' . implode( '</strong>, <strong>', $orphaned_components ) . '</strong>' );
    		bp_core_add_admin_notice( $notice );

    So far there are no malfunctions and no drawbacks. The message is gone and everything appears normal. Seemed to do the trick. Now I can register users through my themes registration process and not have to worry about any Buddypress registration.



    Do not edit core BuddyPress files. Next update, it’ll be replaced and you’ll have to do it all over again.



    Appreciate the response. Sadly, that would be better than having it nag me all the time. Is there really no way to edit that code so I can place it in my child themes functions.php and it remove the message?

    Something like notice = none or something like that?



    Or something such as remove_action( 'bp_core_add_admin_notice( $notice );' ); maybe would work?
    I’m not really familiar with php but I am reading other forums and posts about similar topics.



    This will turn off registrations altogether, thus removing the BuddyPress missing page nag:

    Go to your WordPress’ Settings > General page and uncheck Membership Anyone can register

    Don’t know how that will effect your theme’s registration, though…



    I really appreciate your attempt! Thanks for the reply. Sadly that would really mess up my site by turning that off. So is there no way to format that function where I can just remove the function and place it in my functions.php?




    Hello Peter,
    thanks for your Suggestion, it works like charm with my Registration Form 🙂

    Nickname becomes user_name and buddypress Name

    thanks so much,



    Hi Dennis, how did you go about resolving this with Membership unchecked? Were and how are your users registering now?

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