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impossible to create new group, register, ….

  • @topuser2


    I’m doing a local site. I installed the plugin buddypress following the installation guide. I have set the different options in the administration panel. (Component tab, Pages tab and Option tab)
    But when I try to create a new group, this is the message that appears: The requested URL / mysite / groups / create / was not found on this server.

    Similarly when I try to record a new user on the site, it is the same message comes: The requested URL / mysite / register / was not found on this server.
    This kind of message appears to many links in the user profile connected.
    I tried uninstalling and reinstalling but nothing. I disabled the others plugins but nothing. I changed several times the template, but the problem remains.
    help me please

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  • @venutius


    Have you enabled the Groups compoenet and associated the Groups Page, in Settings>>BuddyPress?



    yes. i have done everythings.
    I did all the associations and I even get to preview the different pages in the Page tab.
    But the problem remains.
    I am blocked



    have you changed permalink settings?



    yes, i use a custom layout:
    i choose this permalinks:



    Excuse this the permalinks



    I set up this permalink structure and afterwards was able to create a group on my test server, so that’s not it.

    What other plugins are you running? Have you tried deleting all but BuddyPress? Also try with the 2015 theme.



    I am using
    wordPress 4.6.1
    buddyPress 2.7
    I deleted the other plugins. only buddypress plugin is active but the problem remains
    I try other theme but nothing happen



    Delete htaccess
    Go to permalinks and save. This will generate a new htaccess content. Copy/paste it to a new htaccess file (in case it is not made automatically).

    Also which local config do you use ? OS name, Apache, php, mysql version and software name and version (wamp, etc)
    Check the log error files and see if you have other errors as “site not found”.



    Here is my config please :
    wampserver 2.5
    php v 5.5.12
    apache v 2.4.9
    mysql v 5.6.17
    OS : windows 7
    wordpress 4.6.1
    Buddypress 2.7

    an exemple of error meesage:
    The requested URL /mysite/register/ was not found on this server.
    Apache/2.4.9 (Win64) PHP/5.5.12 Server at localhost Port 80

    this is the same for groups and so …..
    The requested URL /mysite/groups/create was not found on this server.
    Apache/2.4.9 (Win64) PHP/5.5.12 Server at localhost Port 80



    I assume you correctly setup the BP pages and that you enabled permalinks with another option than “default”. Double-check they exist and have no template or model associated.

    Another issue might be the server setings.

    i’m a bit unsure, but WAMPP works better in win32 version (even with windows10). The win64 version is a dev version and is not recommended for a “normal” usage, so far i remember. But i could be wrong.

    Did you updated wampp or have you always used that version ? Do you have other sites on this server working without issues ?

    That said, when a local site is not found, first thing is to check the windows HOST file (windows/system32/drivers/etc/HOST) that you correctly declared the localhost name resolution.
    You should have manually added something like this in that file:	localhost
    ::1 localhost	your site
    ::1 your site



    I have checked the pages settings and their association. Buddypress pages have default model.
    I tried to add the site name in my windows hosts file : localhost localhost
    ::1 localhost
    ::1 mysite mysite

    but problems remain.
    I had no other local websites, just a small application that was using wamp.
    What should I do? would you have other idea?please.
    Install another version of wamp? If yes which version will be appropriate to solve the problem?
    my OS is Window 7.



    No idea if the order or the names have an influence on your issue, but i don’t think that you need 2 locahost in the file.
    You use localhost localhost
    ::1 localhost
    ::1 mysite mysite

    Make it looking exactly like in my previous example.

    What is the URL of your local site ?
    What do you have in site’s htaccess ?

    BP pages have no model, just a page attribute, which should be ( no parent ).

    What you could do:
    Try to install another site with simply WP and BP (download a new copy for each) and see if the issue is still in.
    If it does, you have to review your server settings or at least, to read some advice and docs

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