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Installation stops at Permalinks

  • DeweyW


    I installed BP and ran the installation. I get to the permalink tab which says “permalink settings are compatible” and click “save and next”. Install goes back to first tab; all settings are remembered but install never completes.

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  • @mercime


    Strange. The next step after that is choosing a theme

    Go to Appearance > Themes and if this is a new installation, recommend using bp-default theme to check is site is in working order..

    Go to dashboard menu Settings > BuddyPress and go through each panel and save settings.



    I activated the bp-default theme and ran the installation wizard again…and again. i deleted BP, deleted all other plugins, reinstalled BP and had the same problem. Step 1..2…3 then back to Step 1. No matter what I choose for my permalink setting or what I choose as the theme iBP will not complete the install.

    Back to deleting BP and trying something else. Maybe an answer here will get me to try again.

    Ryan Strandt


    I have this same problem.

    I am trying to run buddypress on a site within Multisite. I have define ( ‘BP_ENABLE_MULTIBLOG’, true ); in my bp-custom file and was able to start the Installation setup but, I get to the theme chooser section and the site hangs.

    The page seems to not finish loading. The wp bar is also missing (which is loaded in the footer of the admin pages) which makes me think the page is not loaded completely.

    Is there a way around this? Am I missing something with Buddypress on Multisite install?



    Try re-uploading the BuddyPress folder, this time manually via FTP/cpanel/etc

    WP adminbar missing from front end or wp-admin?

    == Am I missing something with Buddypress on Multisite install? ==
    Is BP set up for main site or subsite? If subsite, did you define in which blog_id BP will run in?

    ( ‘BP_ENABLE_MULTIBLOG’, true ); is used only if you want to access the BP components from the other subsites. Also enable_multiblog requires that you activate BP-compatible themes in subsite/s you want it to work.

    Ryan Strandt


    I uploaded the bp folder manually the first time.

    The admin bar only disapears while going through the setup process on the themes selection. Every other admin screen is fine and the public pages are fine when logged in.

    I just cant get through the bp setup process. The wizard stalls out.



    Same here. Any help would be appreciated.



    One solution would check the mod_rewrite module in Apache is on. This deals with the permalink problems.



    I read here: that BP 1.6 is supported on WP 3.4+. I had 3.3.1 installed (the one that’s in the Ubuntu 12.04 repositories). Upgrading to 3.4.2 fixed the issue.

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