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Invite Anyone with 3th party SMTP server – Not sending emails

  • @julienbr



    I installed and activated Invite Anyone plugin on Buddypress and a WP 4.8.

    The plugin is activated correctly and I can modify the settings. i use sendinblue as a third party SMTP server after disabling the default email process but this SMTP provider after I have changed in the dashboard email conf.

    Unfortunately it seems that the emails when I try to send invitation through Invite Anyone are not sent.. I cannot see them under my stats monitoring tool within sendinblue.

    Did anyone face this problem in the past? Any help please?

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  • @boonebgorges


    Hi @julienbr – Sorry you are having problems with this. Invite Anyone should use the same mechanism for sending emails as WP itself uses, so the first thing I’d check is whether WP emails are being sent. For example, do you get an email when you initiate a password reset?

    If the problem seems specific to Invite Anyone, you should check to see whether the invitations are being created at all. After sending an invitation, you should be able to see it in the Invites Sent subtab of Send Invites on your profile. If the invites are not there, then the problem is not mail itself, it’s some other bug in Invite Anyone.

    If the problem is really at the level of the SMTP setup, then the only thing I can think of is that your SMTP provider is blocking outgoing email because of the content of the message. This could happen because you’re sending to too many people in a single blast, or perhaps because of certain keywords in the email content. Check with your SMTP service to see whether there are any notices to this effect.



    Hi Boone Gorges,

    Any assistance in helping me figure this one out would be appreciate. I am using the Invite Anyone plugin on a Members only website. Email invitations go out successfully to yahoo gmail ymail account and they also get the Activation link successfully. however with Hotmail outlook or live accounts they get the invite link no problem when they follow that and Register they don’t get the activation link and we have to process the activation manually.

    running Buddy Press on My own server ubuntu 16.04 and virtualmin for control panel

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