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Is bp_core_redirect() broken ? or when can I call it ? (BP 1.5)

  • I’m calling bp_core_redirect() with a known good URL and a 302 status set. The return response is 200 and no redirect info. I’m redirecting in action ‘bp_before_group_plugin_template’.

    wp_redirect() works :)

    Is something clobbering the redirect ?

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  • The bp_before_group_plugin_template action is much too late for a real redirect, because you’re already outputting HTML to send to the browser. Do it higher up the stack (before the template is rendered).

    Thanks Paul.

    I’d like to hook after the URI is parsed and before the template is called. Do you know the action’s name ? I’d look it up myself, but the doc is somewhat lacking in certain areas.

    edit: I did a bit more looking at the http requests, it doesn’t appear the 302 is returning in the error code, but I’m not sure if the the tools not showing it.

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