== Clearly the problem is with the themplate. ==
You could be right. That theme has had different incarnations though. So are you using the stand-alone Church theme and installed the BP Template Pack to make the Church theme compatible with BP? Or, are you using the Church child theme of Genesis and installed Genesis Connect for BP Compatibility?
To isolate the problem furthere, did you deactivate all plugins except BuddyPress (and BP template pack or Genesis Connect) and see if you can log in?
Am using the stand-alone Church theme and installed the BP Template Pack.
Just tried to remove the admin bar and installing the Sliding AJAX Login Panel Plugin. But the same problem again. but….
The weird thing is than if i try to log in from, 3w.mysite.com main page it doesnt work. but if a log in from, lets say 3w.mysite.com/activity or /groups et… it WORKS! but just with the admin and not with a X user.
am going to uninstall all the plugins and see what happens.
Edit: Just de-activated the plugins, and nothing…the same thing.
It a pain in the (*) cuz it logs me in. Cause if a log in with a X user and the go to my dashboards, WP tell my than am dont got the necesary privileges. The thing its i cant see my status in the home page ot nothing….. 
== Just tried to remove the admin bar and installing the Sliding AJAX Login Panel Plugin. ==
In other words, your sliding ajax login panel plugin doesn’t work on the front page? What do you have on the home page – a static front page, the default index (posts) page or the activity stream, etc?
Just have the the default index
With the sliding ajax happens the same thing than with the previus Login bar. The panels looks like am not loged in , but if a go to my dashboards tell me than am logged.
meaby the Genesis conect plus the child church, fix this issue, but am not very likely to do that investment, and then asking 4 refunds.
Something it not making the right connection with the panel. but just dont know what is it.
no one with the same problem?