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Marked as spammer, but why?

  • boriskamp1991


    Hi guys,

    Im looking into using Buddypress because I heard great things about it.
    I activated the WP plugin and now when I go to users and view either one of the accounts (two in total so far) I get a blank page. Whenever I go to extended it says user has been marked as a spammer. All BuddyPress data associated with the user has been removed
    How can that be? Im the admin, and the other user is just a test user.

    Why are we marked as spammer, and how can I turn this around?


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  • boriskamp1991


    Anybody who can help me out with this serious issue?



    What versions of WP and BP ?

    Go to wp-admin -> Users, rollover a user, click spam / not spam.

    Trying creating a new user from wp-admin.
    Try registering as a new user from the front-end.
    What happens?



    Thank you for your reply,
    When I hover over the one user that is not an admin I get to see ‘spam’, so it looks like WordPress does not see it as a spammer. the other user is an admin, so why on earth would Buddypress mark that as a spammer?
    I registered a new user and it is marked as spammer right away by BP, WP does not because I can click the ‘spam’ button from the users list.

    I installed BP on my other local test site and there it works fine….
    I guess you guys need more info so please let me know as Im really in need of solving this.


    Paul Wong-Gibbs


    Hmmmm. BuddyPress does not ever automatically mark a user as a spammer (or not a spammer), so I’m not immediately sure what might be going on. What other plugins do you have on the site, and what theme are you using?

    Please also tell us the versions of WordPress and BuddyPress that you are using, like @shanebp asked.

    Last question: are you using multisite? If you don’t know what that is, the answer’s no. 🙂

    I’m facing the same problem. Just installed WP on Virtualbox with Vagrant (VVV WordPress), created WPMU and then added the BuddyPress Multi Network plugin. All plain and clean, latest versions, no other whistles and bells.
    Admin is marked as spammer, but status is green (active, not red(spammer)).

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