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Member special widget

  • @websitevala


    is there any available widget for every member to view news or anything else ?
    i want actually widget for member

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  • @mercime


    Not sure what you mean. Do be more specific or show an example of what you wanted.



    a widget for member a admin to post some content and see all member’s profile page i use one theme but in that theme i use text widget and it saw on directly on home page i don’t want that i want when member login after that see
    so is there available plugin or widget for all member to see latest news or something else



    is there any sidebar for member’s only ? which i can put text widget in ?
    or is there any plugin available for member’s sidebar ?



    1/ Do you want a piece of content that is seen only by logged in users: yes / no

    2/ Is this piece of content intended to be seen only on specific BP screens i.e when we are looking at a members profile /account: yes / no

    You can add content to sidebars that checks whether a user is logged in or not you can see that as an example if you look in the standard BP sidebar and at the ‘sidebar me’ section towards the top.

    You can also add content to that sidebar that only displays if you are viewing specific pages, an example of that can also be seen looking further down at the forum tag cloud block.

    If you have need to add content via a widget for a specific screen then you may need to create a new sidebar region in a child functions.php file along with a function call in the sidebar to output that new sidebar if on a specific page, then you have a new widget region you can add your text widget to.

    That’s not the only approach you could also create a new sidebar file that is only called on a members view and in that simply add a a sidebar region to use from the widgets dashboard page.



    1/ yes
    2/ yes
    sidebars is show in left or right
    i use bp-sidebar plugin but it can’t show on member profile page
    and i also edit function.php file and add sidebar and also edit sidebar.php but when i use text widget in it but it can’t appear
    i want actually a classified ad for member in sidebar left or right it show member’s only not homepage or main page
    and i also use classified and Widgets for WPMUDev Classifieds plugin widget for classified ad
    what can i do for that ?



    Not familiar with bp-sidbar plugin as the requirements for adding sidebars and or widget regions with or without page checking is a relatively simple one.

    Not sure what you have done incorrectly then if you have tried creating a new sidebar region, added it as a call in the sidebar.php. It’s one of those questions that is impossible to answer without seeing the code really.

    All your requirements seem to revolve around creating specific widget regions and adding them to sidebar.php and correctly wrapping the block in an if ( bp_is_members_component() ) or bp_current_action() or something similar.



    i added code in sidebar.php is like <?php if ( !function_exists('dynamic_sidebar')
    || !dynamic_sidebar(‘Sitewide Sidebar’) ) : ?>

    php /* GROUP SIDEBAR */ if(bp_is_group()){
    if(!dynamic_sidebar(“Group Sidebar”)){?>

    <?php /* PROFILE SIDEBAR */ }}
    else if(bp_is_member()){
    if(!dynamic_sidebar(“Profile Sidebar”)){ //if user profile etc

    <?php /* Forum Sidebar */ }}
    else if(BP_FORUMS_SLUG == bp_current_component() && bp_is_directory()){
    if(!dynamic_sidebar(“Forum Sidebar”)){ //if user profile etc

    <?php /* SIDEBAR */ } }
    else dynamic_sidebar( ‘Activity/Blog Sidebar’ )
    so what my mistake ?



    i want sidebar for member only is there any option available for member sidebar ?



    You’re going to have to puzzle this out, you have a codex page which list all the conditional checks for various BP pages / components so you can locate the one that suits requirements, the WP codex shows you how to correctly register sidebars and then call them correctly in files.

    Earlier I explained the approaches you could take , I don’t really understand the question about options for members sidebar, as I said you could create a sidebar that is only called in certain files so you could call a new get_sidebar(‘members’) in your members/index.php file and then you don’t need a conditional check just call a sidebar region into that new sidebar and add whatever widgets you want to it which will then only display on the members directory.



    @websitevala, try Dynamic Widgets. This plugin already supports BuddyPress.

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