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Members page is empty (and all the profile pages are also)

  • @deight


    Hello everyone! I am in desperate need of help. After the latest upgrade members slug opens a page which is completely empty. No error or anything. The same is true for all of the profile options (pages are just empty). How to troubleshoot it? WP 3.2.1 BP 1.5.1 Platform Framework 1.3.8. I would appreciate any help. Thank you!
    Senior Care Community

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  • @mercime




    I just found out that members and their profile appear when I switch to default theme. Does it mean that the problem is with my framework? What should I look for to fix it?



    mercime, could you please have a look at my theme – I’ll give you admin account info. I feel so frustrated that I don’t understand why my member profiles are not displayed correctly in my theme. Maybe I could “pay you back” by placing a link to your website on mine or something.



    I don’t know if i’ve found the right theme: – if so the lastest version appears to be 1.3.9.

    I’ve just downloaded it and can’t find any of the bp templates in 1.3.8 / 1.3.9 that one would expect in a bp compatible theme…..

    There were quite significant changes in the last major buddypress upgrade to 1.5+ so a theme often needs to be upgraded as well



    yep, that’s the theme. It was working with buddypress before, but no all those pages are gone. It’s very strange. Maybe something went wrong with my databases (but what do I know about databases :-) I might have to bring the whole website down and start from scratch, cause I like what Platform has to offer (it’s easir for someone like me, who doesn’t know what she is doing). But then again what are the guarantees that it will work correctly.

    Maybe I should just wait for another theme/buddypress update and hope that it would fix it.



    Just waiting for things to correct themselves is probably not the best strategy.

    The usual advice for blank pages is: suggests some tools that may help diagnose the problem.



    To clarify, your upgrade is from BP 1.5 to 1.5.1 or BP 1.2.+ to BP 1.5.1?

    == Does it mean that the problem is with my framework? ==

    If you’re coming from BP 1.2+ to BP 1.5.1, it’s with the updated BP Template files in 6 folders which should have been transferred to your Platform theme folder, plus that you went through the installation wizard

    If you’re coming from BP 1.5 to BP 1.5.1 check via admin menu BuddyPress > Pages that your Member page is associated with Page titled Members in select box. Check also that the slug is the same as the title of the page. e.g. page title = Members and slug = members not members-2 or members-3

    EDIT 1 – took too long to answer. didn’t see your post @aces :-)

    EDIT 2 – Also, if you updated your Platform theme, the update might have deleted the BP template folders from your WP theme so reupload activity, blogs, forums, groups, members and registration from bp-default theme to your WP theme folder in server.

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