Ok, this one is some kind of hard for me to understand, but maybe someone in here has a solution for me. “My Account” in the BP-adminbar just disappeared, like it was just going on holiday without telling me. 
When I\’m in administration-area of my blog I still get the “My account” in the adminbar, but when viewing something in the home & bp-theme the “My account-menu” disappears. I still have My Blogs and Messages. – only the My Account Meny disappears.
I’we tried to activate english language, I’we tried to use to original bp-themes. I am running wpmu 2.7.1, and Buddypress 1. I do not have any idea what might happened when this menu went on holiday. What I did was just surfing the site, I did not even have ftp open.
I cant fint anything in the errorlog eighter. Did anyone of you guys have this problem,? and maybe a soultion for it?
Thanks in advance!