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My header isn't fully visible on my laptop screen

  • @charlesbassiste



    I\’ve started dabbling in web site creation over the last few months. Thanks to Youtube and a few useful plugins, I\’ve managed to build a few basic websites/blogs for fun, with almost no knowledge of coding.

    I built this website ( to be a podcast network, and I\’ve recently started using buddypress as a mean to incorporate a forum. I\’ve created a child theme, and managed to find out the code to remove the search bar in the header.

    Now, the problem that I can\’t seem to work out, is the fact that my header only fully appears on my desktop LCD screen. When I go to my website using my laptop, I\’ll only see part of the image which seems weird to me since I know I\’ve used the correct dimensions for my image (1250, 133). If anybody can help me regarding that subject, I\’d really appreciate it.

    I\’m using Buddypress 1.6.2 in conjunction with bbPress and Blubrry Powerpress for podcasting.

    By the way, any types of comments regarding my site\’s functionality is very welcomed.


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  • @mercime


    @charlesbassiste you must have fixed the issue. I see the image using Firefox, IE, Safari.



    You’re right, I just went to my website using Firefox and the image appeared fine. The problem seems to be linked with my google chrome.

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