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Need Help Changing Active Hyperlink Color Style in BP 1.81

  • jadskymedia


    I am trying to locate the code where I can change the Active Hyperlink Color to something other than the default sky blue. As well as alter the Hovered and Visited colors. Can’t seem to track it down since it’s not in the default stylesheet any longer and didn’t notice it in the functions.php.

    I’m running wordpress 3.61/buddypress 1.81. Using the main standard bp-default template. (Not a child theme)

    You can reference the live website at

    Thanks in advance for any help.

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  • @mercime


    Using the main standard bp-default template. (Not a child theme)

    If you’re only making style changes I suggest using Jetpack or another plugin which can serve CSS changes for the BP Default theme. Otherwise, If you’re going to make the style changes in BP Default’s stylesheet, it’s going to be overwritten when you upgrade BuddyPress.

    You can find the general link styles in Lines 507 through 516 of the BP Default’s stylesheet, default.css



    Awesome!!! That works great.. Thanks for the insight… I appreciate it.

    One other quick question if you don’t mind. I’m trying to locate the same skyblue background color that is used in the container that holds the number count next to Messages, Friends, Groups, etc… Could you please share the line I can find that code to modify as well?

    Thanks again @mercime 😉

    Hugo Ashmore


    To locate rulesets you need to use a tool such as FireBug to inspect elements and see what associated css rulesets belong to it and in which file – all modern browsers have a dev tool set of this type.

    This is how Mercime will have located the line number above, give it a go it’s remarkably easy.



    Thanks for the advice Hugo… I’ll check it out and give it a shot.

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