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new plugin: BuddyPress Simple Events

  • shanebp


    Often clients request the ability to allow members to create Events.
    There are some comprehensive Event plugins available.
    But they often include a lot of features that are not needed, and have odd template setups, etc.

    So I’ve released a light-weight and simple Events plugin to the WP repo:
    BuddyPress Simple Events

    You can also get it from PhiloPress.

    If you’d like image support and the ability to assign Events to a group, there is a premium version:
    BuddyPress Simple Events Pro

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  • rosyteddy


    Hi Shanebp

    Really very grateful for this much needed plugin.
    Can you kindly add two things that is present in all social net scripts like Elgg, Jomsocial, Easysocial etc for the “BuddyPress Simple Events”
    1) Attending – Yes, no, maybe
    2) Integration of the event form with What’s new box
    Please see a demo here – it will take one second –

    Some other quick points for your kind attention
    – it works great in default Twenty-fifteen but as you know this theme is not usable for Buddypress yet – BP responsive themes like Farben-basic breaks when this plugin is activated
    – Comments are not in sync – comments made to the Event in the stream do not show under the Event in main page and vice versa [ in contrast Picture album for buddypress – Buddypics by modemlooper has comment and Favorite sync], same about Favorites
    – no privacy options – open, closed etc
    – admin settings for this plugin should appear under Network administration – Buddypress settings and most Buddypress plugin settings happen here – but this Event plugin has its settings in the main site, not under Network administration setting
    – Group Events ( I see there is a paid option, ideally it comes free or paid for both – separating like this is little bit unseen in internet)

    However, without the ” Attending – Yes, no, maybe” event plugin has no meaning in the current and present day internet – please implement it

    Thanks for this nifty plugin. It will help many of us.



    @shanebp, n1 for this plugin bud i will check it out later, referring back to what rosyteddy was saying above, an option for attendees and maybe a way to search through the list of attendees would be an important feature.

    However, without the ” Attending – Yes, no, maybe” event plugin has no meaning in the current and present day internet – please implement it

    , do you not think this statement is a little harsh on dan? It sounds sort of like a demand haha, ok dan didnt integrate everything into it straight away but i bet he will work more on the plugin after we ask him nicely what we would like to see integrated into the plugin followed by our suggestions.



    If your referring to danbp he isn’t the author of this plugin shanebp is. Just trying to help avoid confusion.



    I meant shane lol, thier names both have bp in them and i was just reading a post that danbp was a part of lol, lack of sleep mate can do strange things to the human brain hahahaha



    @mcpeanut @shanebp I really apologize for that. Did not mean to be harsh or demanding.
    At present none of the wordpress or buddypress event plugins has the implementations that any social networking site or social networking scripts has. Event Manager is a good plugin – with respect to front end BuddyPress Simple Events seem to offer no added benefit. Backend – yes, its simple and useful.

    I appreciate shanebp your effort and releasing this plugin for the community. Though it may not fit my use-case just in its present form, it will sure help many. Once again, my apologies, and thanks.



    I feel you on the frustrations sometimes with lack of functionality you visualize your site to have and cant find any plugin to achieve it (paid or unpaid), i agree that buddypress is lacking a good events plugin. i am sure that the version shane has just released will be improved upon over time.

    If he manages to integrate the functionality we mentioned i would gladly buy the plugin.



    Got a chance to revisit this…

    Both versions are now components.

    BuddyPress Simple Events in the WP repo.

    BuddyPress Simple Events Pro now has options for an Attending button, list of attendees, and notifications. As well as image support and Group assignment options.

    Re themes: the templates have been tested with included WP themes. If there is an issue with a particular theme, the templates can be overloaded and adjusted as necessary. The layouts are bare-bones, iow. very basic layouts.



    Re comment syncing: unfortunately, comment syncing is broken in BP 2.2.1 for custom post types.

    See tickets 6306 and 6294 for more info.



    @shanebp i think i will defo be trying your premium version of this plugin further down the line pal.

    Re comment syncing: unfortunately, comment syncing is broken in BP 2.2.1 for custom post types.

    So what your saying is that because your plugin uses cpt,s that a comment made on the event wont show within the activity stream or vice versa?

    That’s a real shame if this is the case, although ive managed to show cpt,s in the activity stream in the past (without comments) and without even trying the new way of doing it id of thought that this would really need to be implemented at some point though?

    Do you think this could be resolved further down the line as like i said i would be defo interested in this plugin if the commenting could somehow be synced.



    Very interested in this plug-in but have a couple of questions.

    1) Are users notified when an event they plan to attend is about to start?

    2) I know it says on the plug-in page that there is no support for recurring events but this is something that would be critical for the way i’d be using the plug-in so is there any chance that this will be supported in future versions (pro or free) and if not is it something that I could commission you to add for me?

    Many thanks!



    @mcpeanut – I hope it will be resolved. Watch the tickets mentioned above to see if any progress is made.




    1) Are users notified when an event they plan to attend is about to start?


    If you would like to have one or more of the items you mentioned added to your version, you can contact us through PhiloPress.



    Thanks @shanebp,

    As soon as I’m happy that Buddypress is going to work for me i’ll be in touch 😉



    wordpress-4.2-beta3 – Multisite subfolder install,
    Default Twentyfifteen theme
    Buddypress 2.2.1
    Latest version of this plugin
    Network Activated this plugin

    A buddypress member can see the Events tab in profile and can fill up the Events form, but on submission the Event is not saved – empty form is returned. Thus the members cannot use Events at all.

    I have assigned all Roles the permission to create Event. See this
    The site super admin can create Event but NO map is seen.

    If you have any Multisite subfolder demo with latest WP 4.2beta3 can you kindly set up a demo link?
    Thank you.



    Thank you for the report.

    What happens if you activate it per site instead of networked ?

    Did you note that is

    Compatible up to: WP 4.1.1 / BP 2.2.1

    So wordpress-4.2-beta3 is out of range.

    Please continue this discussion on the support forum for this free plugin.



    Got a chance to revisit this…

    Both versions are now components.

    BuddyPress Simple Events in the WP repo.

    BuddyPress Simple Events Pro now has options for an Attending button, list of attendees, and notifications. As well as image support and Group assignment options.

    Re themes: the templates have been tested with included WP themes. If there is an issue with a particular theme, the templates can be overloaded and adjusted as necessary. The layouts are bare-bones, iow. very basic layouts.

    Re comment syncing: unfortunately, comment syncing is broken in BP 2.2.1. See tickets 6306 and 6294

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