1) Re: delete not deactivate
You can safely delete each Group you’ve created in each Group’s admin settings.
You can uninstall the Forums for groups in dashboard menu BuddyPress > Forums > uninstall group forums.
You can uninstall Sitewide Forums in dashboard menu BuddyPress > Forums > uninstall sitewide forums.
Then, go to BuddyPress > Components > remove checks for User Groups and Discussion Forums
2) Re: if you look at my site http://www.sweepbook.com/rate-this/ you will notice the menu items are on top of each other
– I don’t see that in your site. So it’s either you’ve changed the theme to bp-default theme or you’ve decided to use bp-default’s custom menus to organize your links.
3) Re: The logos on my site, redirects to http://www.sweepbook.com/rate-this
– Right now I see that you have HTML pages at domain root http://www.sweepbook.com/
So where did you install WP/BP, in subdirectory rate-this? and the redirect is to
redirect is to http://www.sweepbook.com/sweepbook/rate-this/ .
WP Settings > General > Site Address URI/WordPress Address URI was changed without proper checks and this is not a BuddyPress issue at all.
https://codex.wordpress.org/Changing_The_Site_URL and if that doesn’t help you resolve the problem, please post at https://wordpress.org/support/forum/how-to-and-troubleshooting
Thanks for the reply @mercime.
1. I don’t have any groups registered, I just wanted to know if the functionality can be removed completely.
3. http://www.sweepbook.com is my main site, wordpress/buddypress is installed in a subdirectory, http://www.sweepbook.com/rate-this/. If I use the WordPress twentyeleven them, the logos redirect correctly to http://www.sweepbook.com/rate-this/.
ok, I managed to sort out number 2, just 1 and 3 remaining
1) Groups in buddypress are like ‘post types’ in wordpress, while you can deactivate it so that it doesnt do anything, it’s hardcoded into the core and the only way to remove it completely is by editing the core plugin.
Thank you all for you replies. I have posted this issue on WordPress before when I was using pageline theme, but nobody replied on WordPress.
@Chris, that is exactly what I am looking for, I’m not too fimiliar with coding and currently learning, it will be a big help if I know which codes to remove. I’m basically trying to get rid of all the unecessary things on my site to increase performance. I know wordpress runs better on Linux, but I cannot change to Linux since I have another website that are recieving good traffic, and that website contains aspx pages.
You should have a good look through the BP options in the dashboard and turn off components you don’t want, as for editing core files, you don’t!
WP/BP set up correctly should run just as well on any server platform but preference would always be for Linux boxes as they are simply better than windows for running servers.
Thanks you all for your answers, I’ll come up with workaround. As mentioned, I know Linux is much better for WEB SERVERS, but like I said, I have .aspx pages that I’d rather not want to play around with.
Got it all working now. on the 404 error, I just used a 301 redirect:
header(“Status: 301 Moved Permanently”) ;
header(“Location:http://www.sweepbook.com/rate-this/” ) ;
This works better, if the 404 comes up, it redirects to the homepage… not bad for a starter – all in one day