New version of Forum Attachments for BuddyPress
I’ve finally gotten around to upgrading Forum Attachments for BuddyPress. It should now work pretty smoothly with BP 1.2, with a minimal amount of custom hooks in your theme files. Plus I’ve enabled some other goodies, like inline display of uploaded images.
Read more about the plugin here:
Yeah ok looks like it might be his theme.
Right now the theme is more important than the plugin so I will deactivate it. That being said who it gets sorted out so I can use the attachments in the forum.
Thanks for the help
Thanks a lot for checking, avi-m. I will download the theme and give it a go.
NP it was the least I could do!
Boone! Thanks so much. The 0.2.1 version seems to have the basics covered enough for me to be comfortable using it on a production site. A couple remaining things you might want to address:
BTW WP 2.9.2 BP default theme
If I “edit” an existing post in the forum it shows me the file uploading stuff, goes through the motions, but doesn’t actually upload anything. This is ok IMHO (not being able to add files to an existing post) but if that’s how things are meant to be maybe you could just not show the uploading buttons when the user is editing an existing instead of posting fresh? That way people aren’t confused. Especially since editing a post that already has an attachment only allows you to edit the text…the existing attachment doesn’t appear on the “edit” page.
Also there is still some type of conflict for me with Rich Fuller’s Forum Extras plugin wrapper. Either works, but when both are active my main /groups/ redirects to the site’s home page. Also groups will only show the “forum” tab for that group – clicking the tabs for other areas in the group (such “members” etc) change the URL but the forum remains visible instead of the intended area.
Awesome, Boone, and thanks. I’ll test it out as soon as I can.
I had a quick test
unfortunately it broke another plugin, ajax quote,
has anyone else had the same problem maybe?
kriskl – I assume you’re talking about the ajax quote plugin that’s part of I just tried it and they seem to be working fine together on my installation. Can you be more specific about what is “breaking”?
avi-m – I installed the widgetized theme and I didn’t have any redirect problems. I wonder if the problem is arising from a combination of theme + my plugin + some other plugin. I don’t suppose you could turn off all other BP dependent plugins for a second to test that theory? Or perhaps give me a list of the plugins you’re running so I can try it myself?
Hey boon I tired your plugin again and Still not working for me. I think I will just give up this one for a while as it would the cosmos doesn’t want me using it just now.
However I thought I would share the error messages in case they are of use.
Warning: Variable passed to each() is not an array or object in /home/jewsbych/public_html/wp-content/plugins/forum-attachments-for-buddypress/forum-attachments-for-buddypress-bp-functions.php on line 461
Things seem to be working, Boone, but the Big Hope that I had, inlining, isn’t working for me, still, sadly.
Couple of use-case notes that I hope will help you wrangle stuff:
1) Editing a comment with an attachment (image, in this case) shows browse buttons to add new attachments, but no sign of the image already attached before the Edit.
2) Editing a comment and trying to add another attachment doesn’t actually add the new one.
I’m doing this on a localhost.localdomain XAMMP install — don’t think that should matter, but just in case, I thought I’d mention.
kriskl, the very latest versions of this and the Forum Extras plugin are working for me in tandem (or at least, not broken other than what I mention above). Quote works fine — don’t have any other the other subplugins enabled other than the wrapper.
stwc – It’s very strange that downloads would work for you but not inline images, as I’m using almost exactly the same code for both features. When you view the source of an attachments section, do you see an image tag? What happens if you try to visit a URL like, where is your site, wp-content is your path to wp-content, and 9 is the index of a file you know to be an image (check out the bb_attachments table to see the ids)?
Thanks for the notes on the edit page. I don’t think I’ve made any effort to make those work
It’s next on my list.
I’m going to be away from my office computer for several days, so I won’t be able to test, but I’ll followup as soon as I’m able… thanks again for working on it!
When posting a new topic using the “new topic” button on the forum page ( I get the following error:
Warning: Variable passed to each() is not an array or object in {web root} /wp-content/plugins/forum-attachments-for-buddypress/forum-attachments-for-buddypress-bp-functions.php on line 461
Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at {web root} /wp-content/plugins/forum-attachments-for-buddypress/forum-attachments-for-buddypress-bp-functions.php:461) in {web root} /wp-includes/pluggable.php on line 868
One of the users of my site also reported this error:
Warning: Variable passed to each() is not an array or object in /home/jewsbych/public_html/wp-content/plugins/forum-attachments-for-buddypress/forum-attachments-for-buddypress-bp-functions.php on line 461
Works like a charm otherwise.
Back at my localhost install, finally.
What happens if you try to visit a URL like
It shows me a page with that URL in it. Weirdly, the browser (Firefox) thinks it’s an image — there’s no HTML source.
Getting these errors in the apache logs… something’s b0rked!
[Mon Mar 29 09:48:09 2010] [error] [client] WordPress database error Table '' doesn't exist for query SELECT * FROM 'bb-attachments' made by require_once, require, do_action, call_user_func_array, bp_forum_attachments_check_installed, referer: http://localhost.localdomain/sitename/wp-admin/
[Mon Mar 29 09:48:09 2010] [error] [client] WordPress database error You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ''ext' 'ext' VARCHAR( 255 ) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci NOT NULL ,' at line 2 for query ALTER TABLE bb_attachments DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci,nCHANGE 'ext' 'ext' VARCHAR( 255 ) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci NOT NULL ,nCHANGE 'mime' 'mime' VARCHAR( 255 ) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci NOT NULL ,nCHANGE 'filename' 'filename' VARCHAR( 255 ) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci NOT NULL made by require_once, require, do_action, call_user_func_array, bp_forum_attachments_check_installed, bb_attachments_install, referer: http://localhost.localdomain/sitename/wp-admin/
The bb-attachments table does exist, though, and is populated with data.
Hey Boone — just tested this on a live install (dunno why I didn’t think to do it before) and it seems to work fine. No idea why it might be the case, but it appears that it just fails on XAMPP local installs (two different ones I’ve tried so far).
Probably not worth worrying about — possibly just a useful data point.
Thanks again for this plugin! Just a few more forum-related things I need to do to make my forum users happy, and I might be able to move them to the new Buddypress site without too much moaning…
Hey stwc – Very strange about the differences on a local vs live install. The inner workings of the plugin are in places a bit mysterious to me (the upload mechanisms in particular are pretty much 100% _ck_’s work). I too experienced some difficulties on different kinds of setups. But I’m glad you’ve got it working on the live install – that’s where it really counts
Any chance at getting posting a new topic using the “new topic” button on the forum page fixed?
That’s not an issue with this plugin I don’t think, nor is it a bug, as far as I know. It’s core, and had always worked completely fine for me.
I do recall having to make template changes for this plugin to work properly, though, so make sure you did that correctly. See the installation page in the codex for this plugin, or the readme.
It works! Sorry for the false bug. Another plugin was causing a js error and after the template edits everything seems to be working.
“It works!” is maybe my favorite sentence in the whole language
After a lot of fiddling around I still can’t seem to get this plug-in working right. There are no errors being shown in the browser. Replies post correctly. But there’s no sign of any attachments in the posts and the bb-attachments table is completely empty.
It’s really important that I have this feature working for a client by the end of the weekend. Is there anyone willing to help me out with my site? Payment available!
One of those weeks where everything I touch just breaks.
Hi Boone. I’m not sure if it’s been mentioned to you before, but i just discovered that bb-attachments does not like WP-Minify. With Minify on, all of my image attachments wouldn’t show and when I attempted to download and view the images, any of my viewing apps informed me the images were corrupt.
@ericreynolds007 Very interesting. I don’t know in detail how wp-minify works, but off the top of my head I’m at a bit of a loss for why minified JS would affect the download of items. Maybe wp-minify decides what to compress based on mime-type and thinks that the uploaded files are js/css? I’ll have a look at this one of these days – thanks for the heads up.
Members are now reporting that error:
Warning: Variable passed to each() is not an array or object in {web root} /wp-content/plugins/forum-attachments-for-buddypress/forum-attachments-for-buddypress-bp-functions.php on line 461
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