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not showing registration link on homepage

  • I’m using wordpress 3.0.3 and buddypress 1.2.6 with the theme bp column and it’s not showing a link for people to click on to register at my site I have tried using login with ajax plugin and some other plugins but nothing is working.Help please!!!!

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  • @mercime


    === it’s not showing a link for people to click on to register at my site ===
    You should enable Registration in dashboard > Super Admin > Options – Registration Settings

    I’m running the latest version of wordpress, 3.0.3 and a brand new installation of Buddypress. There is no Super Admin panel, not to mention no choice either in the drop down menu at the top of the buddypress toolbar, or in the wordpress dashboard called ‘options.’

    so… how do we allow folks to register?

    Also, what’s with buddypress not posting the link for the codex anywhere on this site! Or anywhere that’s noticeable. I had to download buddypress and dig out the readme file to find out that one exists!



    === There is no Super Admin panel, not to mention no choice either in the drop down menu at the top of the buddypress toolbar, or in the wordpress dashboard called ‘options.’ ===

    Super Admin and special Options panel only show up for WordPress multisite installations – so if you want those but more importantly, you want to allow your members to create blogs in your site then read this

    === buddypress not posting the link for the codex anywhere on this site ====

    Sure there is a link. Click on “Support” tab in main navigation then click on “Documentation” link that appears in line below main navigation.

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