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OK… How painful is the transition from MU to WP 3.0 going to be?

  • Derek


    OK since the MU merge into WP is rapidly approaching, what can we expect in terms of upgrade (crossgrade) pain? Is this going to completely kill my existing MU based sites? I am starting to get a bit nervous because there is no conversation about this topic. What’s going to happen? I’ll take speculation at this point.

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  • Boone Gorges


    My understanding is that the technical details of the merge are only just now beginning to be discussed. See the links here:, including the merge trac ticket, which was only opened 10 days ago. That ticket would be a good thing to monitor as the merge approaches.

    As far as the BuddyPress end of things is concerned, I’m assuming that Andy’s recent work on non-MU compatibility is a step in the direction of ensuring that the move to 3.0 doesn’t break BP. But I have a sense that the details of how the merge will affect existing sites, and in particular those running BP, will not emerge until some of the technical details of the merge start to get decided.



    From what I’ve heard you won’t even notice. There will then be an option that activates the multiuser part and that’s it.

    I wouldn’t lose any sleep over it.



    HAHA! Thank You Mr Peatling!!! woot woot!



    Glad to hear it, we count on you Mr Peatling!



    Thank you Andy for the reassurance.

    I just saw last night that they deprecated is_site_admin() and replaced it with is_super_admin() for WP 3.0 … egads, I hope the search and replace works for me in customized stuff …



    Is it a bird? Is it a plane? It’s Super Admin!

    Have to admit, I did laugh when I read that :)



    I laughed too, because is_super_admin is already being used in premium wpmu plugin which enabled one WPMU install to create sub-WPMU installs with own domains mapped (instead of usual sub-blogs). i did wonder when I saw the replacment name if decision for choosing is_super_admin was the “path of least resistance” and provided relief to those who used the plugin or maybe it really was just the Superman reference :-)

    Andrea Rennick


    “I wouldn’t lose any sleep over it. “

    HA! That’s cuz you’re not us. ;P

    As a user, no, I would not spend too much time worrying about it either.

    “I just saw last night that they deprecated is_site_admin() and replaced it with is_super_admin() for WP 3.0”

    It’s depricated, so the original function is still there, should still work. At least for 3.0.

    “I am starting to get a bit nervous because there is no conversation about this topic. “

    Uh, tons & tons of convos all over the place.



    Re WP 3.0 officially

    From the trenches –

    From the Lead Devs/Commiters –

    From Trac

    Core Changesets

    Core Revision Logs

    No sweat, huh ;-)

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