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Oops! That page can’t be found. for all groups activities

  • @jandieckmann



    yesterday it worked fine, today I get the error message

    Oops! That page can’t be found.
    It looks like nothing was found at this location. Maybe try a search?

    for all lists of group activities. The groups are still correctly listed in my profile but when clicking on them, the don’t show the list of activities any more.

    Between both situation was the update this morning to BuddyPress Version 3.0.0. WordPress is running on 4.9.6. I use a Twenty Fifteen Child theme, but it happens also after changing to an official theme. I deactivated all plugins and reactivate only BuddyPress but see no difference.

    The groups are still there and also there activities, I can see and open them from the Dashboard.

    I changed the permalink settings several times but it has no influence.

    Any suggestions?


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  • @venutius


    I’ve updated my sites and can see all group activity no problem so this is likely to be something unique to your site. It’s not a trivial task but did you try temporarily reinstalling the previous version of BP just to make sure it’s definitely something triggered by the upgrade?



    No, I haven’t tried yet. Is there a guide to roll back to the previous version?



    hmm, with the recent changes in WP it’s not that straightforward. You’d need to download the files from the BP SVN here and for that you would need an SVN browser such as tortoise SVN. One you had the files you would also need FTP access to your site, to rename the current BP directory in plugins to something else (buddypress-3.0 for example) and then copy the 2.9.4 files into a new buddypress directory. then you could test it.



    Issue confirmed for some of our sites as well. Rolling back BP to 2.9.4 fixes issues in both the previous and current versions of WP. It appears to be linked to sites currently using custom group meta through an active or inactive plug-ins. I’ve noticed that removing the line: add_filter( ‘groups_custom_group_fields_editable’, ‘group_header_fields_markup’ ); from active plug-ins using the group meta template ( breaks the plug-in and allows the group pages to be loaded correctly. I’ve noticed that all of these functions have the $wpdb object referenced in ( Perhaps there’s a connection? Otherwise, it still appears to be limited to sites using custom group meta plug-ins.



    Would you mind raising this on Trac @gcmaryland ? do you have an example plugin as I’ve just checked one of my sites that uses group meta and it’s still working. is this for bp-legacy or bp-nouveau?



    Posted to: with code sample

    (First issue, so please let me know if this is right – thanks!)



    I can’t duplicate gcmaryland’s problems with group meta.

    For those with problems, can you post what group plugins you are using and what the expected behavior is? Please list clear steps to duplicate. Imagine a person that does not know anything about BuddyPress and WordPress and expect that person to duplicate the problem.

    Update – duplicated the problem with the bp-nouveau template pack. I have some tentative fixes that I’ve added to the ticket.

    However, here’s the easiest fix you can add to your site for now:



    Wow, a lot is going on already. Thanks for taking care of it so quickly and doing the necessary approaches to track and fix this.

    I had a look at the ticket and saw that there are patches available? What is the next step for me? How can I use them or is it better to wait for the next update?



    Hello and sorry for bringing up again this old topic, but now it can be closed and considered resolved. After some month of ignoring that issue I came back to take care for the concerned website and still had the same problem.

    I saw that the related ticket is closed and marked as fixed. And I can acknowledge that the group pages are showing up on other installations, but on this particular site it consisted.

    So I tried again with changing the theme, deactivating all plugins, reinstalling buddypress and so on without success to finally figure out that it has had something to do with my bp-custom.php. After deleting it, it works, the group pages are shown again. I created a new bp-custom.php copied the content from the old one and it still works. Don’t know what happened or where might be an unnoticed character.

    Thanks for taking care, developing and maintaining Buddypress!

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