P2 Theme As The Wire/Wall?
I am thinking about using P2 theme as the general wire (or wall as in facebook) for all my members. I already have the main blog (using it for news purposes) in bphome theme.
How would it be possible to create a second main blog (or page) and that would have similar functions as in P2 and that all members would be authorized to post?
There is also the tdo mini forms plugin as alternative off course…
Any advise?
Just was starting on tdo mini forms plugin (uploaded and activated), my forum page disappeared!
Create a blog with P2 theme, Use the contributor-blogs plugin to add users into that blog.Each time the user sign in it automatically ads to that blog as an contributor.Hope it helps. I have tried this and is working with P2 theme
Thank you both for the posts. I’ve had the EXACT same thought and my attempts did not quite work out. I’ll try your suggestion Mohit and will reply with my results.
Quick question, where can I find the contributor-blogs plugin?
Delete this post. my bad.
Thanks Mohit, I will give it a try, and post the results here.
It would be great if this works. I dont much see the value of the wire, but P2 makes a lot of sense!
Ok, I have a main blog (blog id 1), which I use it for news purposes. So I created a new blog at wall.mysite.com subdomain and activated p2 theme.
I uploaded bp-community-blogs plugin (big thanks to Burt) from
https://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/bp-community-blogs/ and activated it in the wall.mysite.com blog account.
It is working as I want but the only problem is that when members enter the page first time the post box (from post-form.php) does not appear, it appears when they refresh the page or re-enter.
How can this be solved? Any ideas?
Great info,
I got mine working. I just set the additional users to authors instead of contributors and it comes out fine
coold idea using the P2-theme for the wire.
could you please drop me the URL of your website so that I can have a look how this looks like ?
Many thanks,
is there a chance that BuddyPress integrated P2-theme for the wire and forum as a standard ? I think that would be a great thing and would provide a very quick solution in order to have the posts in a threaded version – which would make BuddyPress superb !
Any thoughts from Andy about this ?
If anything, the wire would potentially get replaced by a user forum. Otherwise P2 is a blog theme, which would mean replacing the wire with another blog.
I’m in the process of porting the P2 theme into the new BP 1.1 framework, so might be about as close as you’ll get for now.
I am using it here at: http://duvar.fenerbook.com
I had to get rid of the “blog authors” link from the adminbar, because of too many authors and also page loading was slow.
I have the wordpress video plugin (enabled site wide) which works well with p2 theme and member blogs as well!
Hope it helps.
How did you remove the blog authors link from the admin bar?
anyone figured this out and have a plugin or steps to do this
@John James,
when you say:
“I’m in the process of porting the P2 theme into the new BP 1.1 framework”
what does that mean ? Will there be a P2-theme for BuddyPress ? Could you please explain ?
Many thanks,
your website is GREAT !!!!
so if I do understand correctly, you have removed the possibility for users to write their own blog ? And you have instead implemented the P2-comments instead of user-blogs ?
So the users are not able to write their own blogs anymore, but instead writing their own threads (I guess they can write more than 1 thread ?) ?
This is exactly what I am looking for, as my users are people at the age of 50 years and they are not willing to write their own blogs…..
@Erich73, Actually members do have their own blogs, I just created another blog at “wall.mysite.com”. I used the bp-community-blogs plugin, so that members of my bp site automatically became authors of “wall.mysite.com” blog. This blog uses P2 theme, so it does actually look like wall or wire whatever you want to name it. They can write infinite number of threads.
If you wish you can disable blog creation feature for your members from the admin backend, it does not matter.
@mikhailjon, to emove the blog authors link from the admin bar, go to:
Open bp-core-adminbar.php file and delete these lines:
// **** "Blog Authors" Menu (visible when not logged in) ********
function bp_adminbar_authors_menu() {
global $current_blog;
if ( $current_blog->blog_id > 1 ) {
$authors = get_users_of_blog();
if ( is_array( $authors ) ) {
/* This is a blog, render a menu with links to all authors */
echo '<li id="bp-adminbar-authors-menu"><a href="/">';
_e('Blog Authors', 'buddypress');
echo '</a>';
echo '<ul class="author-list">';
foreach( $authors as $author ) {
$author = new BP_Core_User( $author->user_id );
echo '<li>';
echo '<a href="' . $author->user_url . '">';
echo $author->avatar_mini;
echo ' ' . $author->fullname;
echo '<span class="activity">' . $author->last_active . '</span>';
echo '</a>';
echo '<div class="admin-bar-clear"></div>';
echo '</li>';
echo '</ul>';
echo '</li>';
}And this line:
add_action( 'bp_adminbar_menus', 'bp_adminbar_authors_menu', 12 );
I found the P2 Theme works really well with BuddyPress, it took a lot of editing to fix up the member pages, but all in all , it was pretty easy project.
I am using P2 across my entire site here at http://talksounders.com
@Erich73, it means that my goal is that for the BP1.1 release, I’ll have a P2 style theme available using the new BP parent/child theme relationship ready.
many thanks for your reply. I do appreciate your work on this – hope to get a copy
When it’s ready, it’ll be available through the BuddyPress/WordPress theme repo, so everyone can have at it.
Hi John James,
where will this P2-theme being apllied ?
At each User-blog, or at a Group-Blog or somewhere else ?
Many thanks,
are you still working on this ?
Where to find “BuddyPress/WordPress theme repo” ?
Thanks a lot !
I’m extremely interested in this.
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