anyone? not even a link for me to read up? is this not documented anywhere?
It’s no different than say twitter where you have your @username and then Joe User on your profile
ok so the Wp one would be the username and the BP one whatever I want? still I think its unnecessary.
btw. where can I read more about this supposedly synchronization between the WP and BP profiles?
I mean this is not activated so what gets synchronized and when? `Disable BuddyPress to WordPress profile syncing?:`
If you’ve got a system with lots of people, you may very well have more than one person named “John Smith”. That’s why you need unique identifiers like usernames. The regular name “John Smith” then acts like a piece of profile data. This works the same way in WP as in BP, though WP and BP (for a variety of reasons) store that full name info in different places.
The BP-WP profile syncing is basically a syncing mechanism for full names and email addresses. That’s because WP doesn’t have very extensive built-in profiles. On the vast majority of BP installations, users will never have any contact with their WP profile data – all of their profile management will happen through BP, with changes automatically synced back to WP.
is there any documentation which fields get synchronized with which fields? maybe some more fields could be hooked up for synchronization? since you said: `with changes automatically synced back to WP.` I’d like to know what goes where and when 
just curios here.. and thanks for clarifying this for me.
I’m not aware of any documentation outside of the software itself. The functions that do the sync are pretty short and easy to understand. Check out `xprofile_sync_wp_profile()` and `xprofile_sync_bp_profile()` in buddypress/bp-xprofile.php to get a sense of just what’s being synced.
Did you ever find a resolution to this? I am looking to allow site members to update their profiles in BP, ideally have it sync with their WP profile, and publish the WP contact info in a “roster” type page, where the contact info is only visible to a logged in member. I have BP set up, and the WP profile roster page set up, now I just need the profiles to sync…
I would also like to sync the two profiles because the Members-Search Function only searches in the Table wp_bp_xprofile_data. The function “xprofile_sync_bp_profile” only inserts the $user->display_name from the “wp_users” into the default field “name” in the table “wp_bp_xprofile_data”. The user-nicename of the wp-profile could be the fullname or the login-name or only the firstname. This is not enough information for a good search result.It should also be searched for the real first, last name and login_name of the user.
This was bugging me and I decided to do some research. I posted the results here: If I made any errors that misinform please help me to correct them by posting a comment or using the contact page to send me a note. Thanks!
Basically I want to post this to leave a track for others with the same issue. Note also, there is a BP TRAC ticket 3335 opened on this.