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plugin to manually activate members WP 3.5!

  • @ninjaface


    Is there a plugin that will work with WP 3.5 and the newest BP 1.6 I believe to manually activate users? Before I was using “Buddypress pending activations” this does not work properly when you have updated your WP/BP.

    This has always been a huge problem for me and countless other buddypress powered sites. Activation emails don’t always get sent, this hurts all of our sites very badly. Step one is simply getting the members to join your site, it is very frustrating to lose ANY members due to flaws in the registration process.

    My site was accidentally updated and I wanted to avoid doing so simply because the plugins are so essential, especially when considering you MUST have a way to manually activate members. Please if anyone has a solution, share it with us.

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  • @ubernaut


    just wondering do you get any emails that wp generates or are the activation emails the only ones not being sent?



    Recently we have updated to the new BuddyPress 1.6.2. Ever since the upgrade, the confirmation email is not going out to members attempting to register as new members. Our site is We now see that others are having this problem. We did not have this problem before the upgrade. We also use the plugin “Buddypress Pending Activations.

    Please advise,

    Wayne Rowlands



    The advice is as always please deactivate all plugins except the essential and test that the process works, that narrows things down to a plugin issue. So just running WP with the default BP theme and no third party plugins does the issue persist? if it does a ticket with steps to replicate raised on BP Trac.



    Ok, I did what your asked me to do last night. I deactivated all the plugins and then activated the BuddyPress default theme. I get the same results. I sign up to be come a new member and I do not get the confirmation email. I have attempted to sign up with a number of email accounts that I have and nothing is going into my spam folders or my inbox.



    i would defer to anything hugo tells you but i’m still wondering if you are getting any wp generated emails (for comments, wp registrations) if you are not then it would tend to indicate some thing is wrong with the way wp and/or your server is configured and not have anything to do with buddypress itself. just my 2 cents.



    All the other emails are working.




    Did you manage to make it work?

    I’m facing the same problem. User signs up, sees the ‘Sign Up Complete!’ screen, but no email is sent.

    The only plugin I’m using is ‘BuddyPress’



    I did get things to work. I had to manually fix the code. I could not wait for anyone at BuddyPress since they do not seem to be here helping out. I would provide you with the fix, yet I rewrote a bunch of the code since there were many things that I found that needed to be fixed to make our site to work.



    nobody is paid to help others here as such we do what we can to try and support each other.



    Does anyone have a solution for this? I am facing the same problem. Some new users are not receiving the activation email. It is not going to their spam folders. I estimate about every 5th user does not get the email. I can tell who doesn’t receive the email because their Forum Role is blank. Is there a way to generate and re-send the activation email, or manually activate these users? Thank you.



    hi @mindyjoy,

    @boonebgorges did a nice plugin a few time backĀ  who exactly does what you ask for.
    Unconfirmed !

    i use it to remove automatic spammers from my db but you can also resend activation e-mails or do it mnually (need a trusted relation to e-mail address and.or username i guess).



    I use @etivii’s BuddyPress Pending Activations plugin on a daily basis.

    It’s brilliant. Check it out!



    BuddyPress Pending Activations has not been updated for quite a while now – back in 2011 I think – and it is not ‘officially’ compatible with WordPress 3.5 or BuddyPress 6.

    I have just tried it on a test site with these latest versions and it does seem to be working for me.

    It does however create Warning errors (which will show up in admin if you have display_errors turned on) because it still uses the prepare() function with one argument. See for an explanation.

    The warnings I get are like
    Warning: Missing argument 2 for wpdb::prepare(), called in /xxx/wp-content/plugins/buddypress-pending-activations/bp-pending-activations.php on line 18 and defined in /xxx/wp-includes/wp-db.php on line 990
    Warning: Missing argument 2 for wpdb::prepare(), called in /xxx/wp-content/plugins/buddypress-pending-activations/admin/bp-pending-activations-admin.php on line 6 and defined in /xxx/wp-includes/wp-db.php on line 990

    If you want to hack the plugin to stop the errors I think there is one instance in bp-pending-activations.php and several in bp-pending-activations-admin.php.



    The link that was stripped from my last post is (hopefully):



    I recently used the plugin Pending Activations but changed it to Unconfirmed. Both worked fine. However this is a fairly big issue for webmasters which needs a better resolution.



    I have gone for Unconfirmed too. It does everything that Pending Activations did without any hacking.



    Neither of these plugins are working for me. Both plugins provide a screen that shows “all” my unconfirmed users, when actually it only shows a portion of the unconfirmed users. Several users who never got emails do not show up on the unconfirmed screen, so I still have no way to send them another email or manually activate them (unless I’m missing something). Very frustrating, and it seems like it’s a common issue and it’s disappointing BP hasn’t fixed this yet.



    @mindyjoy do you have access to the database, eg through your Control Panel and phpMyAdmin?

    It might help to look in there to see what is going on.

    In the wp_users table there is a ‘user_status’ column. I don’t think WordPress uses it but BuddyPress does and so do these plugins (I believe). Active Users are ‘0’ unactivated are ‘2’.

    There is a ‘user_activation_key’ column but I think the relevant keys are found in the wp_usermeta table. Search the ‘meta_key’ column in that table for ‘activation_key’ and the keys will appear in the ‘meta_value’ column.

    Hopefully those tables should tally with what is shown by the plugins. Or else you could email your users with the keys…



    I’m having the exact same issue. Have completely up to date buddypress and wp installations, deactivated all plugins, then tried buddypress pending activations plugin by itself and then unconfirmed plugin by itself. No luck, still have users with blank forum roles and completely unactivated accounts.



    Are you aware that the unconfirmed plugin is for multisite? Pending activations has not been updated to work with anything past BP 1.6.4 so maybe you could contact the author on the plugins support page and maybe he will update for BP 1.7+




    Thanks, I didn’t realize unconfirmed was only for multisite.

    I’ve tried going to the profile of the pending activations author, but I can’t see where to contact him. Any ideas?



    Also, thought I’d mention that I am running pending activations on another one of my sites (WP 3.5.1 and BP 1.7.2) and it is working just fine, so I’m not sure what the issue is.



    The only place I know to contact the author is on the plugins page support forum.
    On the site that you are using it successfully are you using a different theme? If so you may want to try activating twenty twelve or bp-default to see if there is something in the theme that may be causing the issue.



    Ok, thanks, I’ve just posted something on the support forum there. On the other site it is the same theme. I’ve tried to activate the bp-default and twenty twelve, and still no luck. Thanks for the help.



    There must be something different between the two sites if they are identical yet that plugin does not work on one of them. You may want to try to retrace your steps to identify what the difference is. Any different plugins, custom functions, etc.

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