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[Resolved] Pages, no titles. created continually when BP activated – TrueThemes

  • @wellgolly



    I updated buddypress 2 days ago and after that pages in my admin section are being produced by them self, sometimes the author is a registar. When I disable the buddypress plug in, this stops. Anyone know why this is happening? Thanks for the help.

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  • @danbp


    Which kind of answer do you expect if don’t give any details about your running install ?
    Site url, theme and plugin list please !



    Sterling theme

    Admin Bar
    Contact Form 7
    LayerSlider WP
    Post Types Order
    Really Simple CAPTCHA
    Revolution Slider
    WP Simple Adsense Insertion



    Problem is see is the green toolbar, containing wrong links, ie: profile button goes to your-site/members/admin/profile/ and your premium theme, for which we can’t help you, because we have no free access to it’s code.

    Revert to 2015 theme and deactivate all plugins except BP.

    Make it to work correctly.
    Set pretty permalinks to what you want, except “by default”.

    Ensure you have the Buddy menu showing on 2015. You should see at least: activity, members, groups. Test them and ensure you go to the right page.

    On the top right Howdy menu, you should have all BP elements concerning your profile (friends, messages, notifications…), of course only if you activated these components.

    Once it is working with 2015, you can activate your theme.

    At this stage you will probably see some layout issues and will have to do some CSS adjustment.
    Contact theme’s support to get help for that.




    Do you see the pages with no titles, something is making them and its not me? That is what is happening after upgrading buddypress, but when I deactivate it this no pages are being created.



    See if you have previous BP pages in Trash. Revert them back if exist. If not, clear the trash anyway.

    Untitled pages can be renamed. At least, members, activate and register.

    Then recheck BP page settings.



    Dan, I do think you are getting what my problem is. When I activate buddypress something is creating these pages with no titles, I will leave it for an hour and come back and have 50 pages with no titles and I am not creating these pages. If I deactivate buddypress the page creating stops. Do you see what I am saying? Those 36 pages that are in trash are all pages with no titles that I didn’t create, something is creating them. And this was after the buddypress update.



    please read the post above, they are/were having the same problem that I am having. Thanks.





    I missed that topic, sorry !
    If you’re on a production site, put it in maintenance mode.
    Do you know how many such pages are created each time you activate BP ?

    I call the rescue crew.

    , @DJPaul, @boonebgorges, @mercime, @hnla, @shanebp, @henrywright

    any idea ?



    Dan, like 25-50 an hour. I have buddy press deactivated…..but I can’t keep this up. I am losing sign-ups.



    I opened a ticket:
    Login (same as here) and subscribe, so you can follow dev’s opinion. Not sure they come to the forum quickly.

    I’m not sure it is a BP issue. Could also be a plugin or a corrupted one who takes action when BP is enabled. Can even came from WP itself.

    So i strongly recommend you close the site access. You will loose much more as some signups if that issue is viral.

    Have you some server access log to share ? Or warnings coming up ? Activate debug in wp-config

    You (we) have to wait for more opinions about this. Keep calm and stay confident.



    I have update the thread title to something a little more descriptive of the issue, than ‘problem after updating’

    I do not see confirmation of the results when switching to a WP theme like twentyfifteen or disabling of plugins, we do need requests like those followed please so we can begin to narrow down where the issue lies.



    I disabled all my plug-ins and activated one by one. This only happened after I activated bp. And this started when I updated bp 2 days ago. I have had this theme for 1 year and never had a problem with bp until the update.




    have you asked for this on your theme support ? It’s a premium one and we cannot help you for this, as we have no free access to the code.



    It’s a problem with any theme using the TrueThemes framework:

    They are trying to force comments open on WP pages. When their code hits a BuddyPress page, their code will generate a new page due to the way they are forcing comments open and because the BuddyPress page ID is 0.

    Themes using the TrueThemes framework can use this code snippet to disable their force comments code:

    remove_action('template_redirect', 'tt_get_comments_status');



    Thank you @r-a-y, great job! 😀



    Ray and Dan, this seems to working. I want to thank both of you for taking the time on this matter.



    As I’m having this problem as well, I wanna thank all you too! Just one question, where exactly do you have to put this snippet?



    Try adding it to your functions.php file in your theme or child theme, if that doesn’t work or still not 100% sure check with the themes support who’ll be best placed to advise.



    Looks like it’s working! Thanks alot!

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