I have a different problem. That Save button doesn’t even show up for me.

As you can see, my problem is a different one. There’s no Save button at all.
Hey Minnmark,
I had the same problem, the button is there but hidden by its class “clear” (for no reason I can work out) I solved the issue by using chrome inspecting the page elements and finding the submit paragraph class.
<p class="submit clear">
<input class="button-primary" type="submit" name="bp-admin-pages-submit" id="bp-admin-pages-submit" value="Save Settings">
Then I used Chrome to edit the temporary status of the class by removing the “clear” option. That then revealed the button and I could proceed with the save.
Still no idea what happened there. But I hope this works for you.
Default output for register and activate page is a selectbox set to — None —
As long as you haven’t allowed user registration and manually created these page, no button will be shown.
Aside it could be related to your theme. Try using 2014 or 2015 before scrubbling with CSS hacks.
This isn’t related to site theme because it’s in the dashboard, and if that is indeed the case it shouldn’t be warning us that you need to assign a Activate and Register page when that is impossible to do.
The “hack” was just to visualise the button on the page so you can submit it.
Without the button you couldn’t change the Members, Activity Streams or User Groups selections on the same form.
I have this same exact issue. Of the three pages for buddy press settings, the “save settings” button is only found under the last page (the “settings” page). There is no “save” button under the pages section or components pages. I have manually created a register and activate page but cannot save them in the proper fields. I have tried multiple themes with no avail. The save buttons just don’t exist. Is there an easier fix than having to go through page elements? Don’t want to screw anything up. Any help is greatly appreciated.