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Profile Avatar cropping problem

  • joesegal


    Hi, problem is it doesnt work.
    I upload an image.
    It says crop? shows the original image and a smaller one beside it, neither of which do anything when I click on them.
    I click Crop it just crops the image to the unmodified image on the right.

    Any suggestions to make this work right?

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  • nattlyharris


    I’ve subscribed to this topic – my users are having the same problem – unable to crop picture, instead the top left corner of the image is automatically selected and no other options given.

    Thanks x



    Thanks for participating in this issue Nat!
    I hope someone from the Buddypress Core group responds and fixes this issue soon.

    Henry Wright


    Hi Joe and Nat,

    Can you provide some more details?

    1. plugins used
    2. theme used
    3. WP and BP versions
    4. any console errors or notices



    @nattlyharris Required JS enqueued by BP including jquery.Jcrop.min.js are missing from source code caused possibly by a plugin. I think one culprit is the bj-lazy-load plugin but to be sure, deactivate all plugins except BuddyPress and check if you can crop the avatar. Then activate plugins one by one to see which is/are causing the issue.

    Edit – took too long to answer. didn’t know henry already posted.



    Thanks @henrywright
    I have the Divi Theme activated.
    WP 4.4
    latest BP 188
    about 18 plugins activated.
    I deactivated all the plugins.
    Cropping worked.
    Reactivated each one by one.
    Cropping still worked.
    All of them!
    Then I refresh the page on the group avatar editing page and bam, not working again.

    wtf I dont get it?

    Also Im using a plugin called Buddypress Docs its like a Wiki plugin and the Visual editor doesnt work now in it just the text editor. Maybe thats related?>

    Is there a way to easily get a list of plugins I’m using to show you/others?

    Henry Wright


    You did the right thing by deactivating all plugins and then reactivating each one to find the culprit. Try doing that again, but this time refresh and test cropping after each plugin activation. The very moment cropping stops working, bam, you have your culprit 🙂



    Thanks. Oh joy! 🙂 Why cant someone invent a plugin to spot conflicts in plugins or something! Thanks I’ll do this tomorrow.

    By the way it would be nice if the group cover process lets you crop an image you upload too or something.

    Thanks again!



    Thank you so much for your help – it was the BJ -Lazy Load – the first one I tried and is worked straight away!

    Brilliant cheers xxxxx

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