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Profile Edit Link Doesn’t Resolve Correctly

  • @mnctigah



    I’ve inherited a development project that is using WordPress 3.7 along with BuddyPress 1.5. The intent being to upgrade both to current RC’s.

    There is a lot of customized code dealing with xprofile fields and member search functions, with most being achieved by way of template overload in a child theme based on bp default. There are also modifications to the BP 1.5 core files that I am in the process of migrating over to BP 2.3.4. Due to relative unfamiliarity with BuddyPress, not exactly sure where that will lead. Realistically, about 50% of that code base has been migrated over without breaking the BP 2.3.4 install.

    Backtracking a bit, it is my intent to update WordPress to 4.3.2 with the current BP 1.5. I have actually updated WordPress and corrected the BP slugs that were changed with the update. All except for the BP members slug which resolves correctly to …/profile/edit/group/1 but returns a 404 “page can’t be displayed error.”

    I have found a few threads that deal with this issue but none of the proposed solutions seem to resolve. Some deal with plugin type conflicts and others deal with updating BuddyPress (which is not a viable option at the moment).

    My bp-xprofile-screens.php includes some validations and can be viewed on pastebin…

    I have the site migrated onto a development box at For those savvy enough to provide some insight, temporary login credentials from DropBox at

    It should be noted that if I do upgrade BuddyPress to 2.3.4 (both plugins are installed on the site), I am able to edit the profile at …/profile/edit/group/1, but that’s defeating my purpose as all the code has yet to be migrated (if that is even possible to achieve). And there are still display issues with my search form using BP 2.3.4.

    I guess the relevant question is why would the “bp_core_redirect( bp_displayed_user_domain() . $bp->profile->slug . ‘/edit/group/1’ );” statement work with WordPress 3.7 and not with 4.3.2? What am I missing? Is something being overwritten in the database upgrade?

    I’m hoping that someone more intimate than I am with BP can provide some additional insight.

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  • @ckchaudhary


    Just a wild guess… I’ve had this issue once and the plugin ‘nextgen gallery’ turned out to be the cause. If you too have nextgen gallery active, try deactivating it. More info at



    Thanks for the response…

    The short answer is no.

    I am making use of NextGEN 2.0.79 on the production site (pre WP and BP upgrades). But on the development box, all plugins have been disabled for troubleshooting purposes. I was made aware of a couple of issues in your reference link at and also at So I’ve tried to remedy before actually posting.

    That plugin leaves a lot to be desired though. I’ve had problems with simply upgrading it on the production site. I have also visited their support forums with regards to BuddyPress compatability issues… But as stated above, not active.



    Correction to one of the above cited thread links…




    PHP Fatal Error: Cannot assign by reference to overloaded object in …/bp-core/bp-core-catchuri.php on line 320

    The original codebase:

    // Make the queried/post object an actual valid page
    	if ( !empty( $object_id ) ) {
    		$wp_query->queried_object    = &get_post( $object_id );
    		$wp_query->queried_object_id = $object_id;
    		$post                        = $wp_query->queried_object;

    Edited to relect:

    // Make the queried/post object an actual valid page
    	if ( !empty( $object_id ) ) {
    		$wp_query->queried_object    = get_post( $object_id );
    		$wp_query->queried_object_id = $object_id;
    		$post                        = $wp_query->queried_object;
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