Change to BP Default theme and check if the issue is corrected. If not, deactivate plugins (except BuddyPress) by batches to find the rogue plugin. What’s installed at domain root ?
Hi, change to default theme and the page still not found.
“What’s installed at domain root ?” meaning?
I just did a fresh install of my wordpress and theme and only buddypress.
I realise this, do u think this is causing the problem?
when i point to my name in the member page, the link show Lee/
but when i click on my name , it lead to ,without the space, tried typing manually with the space between the name, it still lead to, and page not found.
Any solution?
have you checked xtended profiles from within BP settings ?
Have you changed the default WP permalink setting ?
hi , i still facing this issue and need help.
All i did was a fresh install of my wordpress and theme and only buddypress.
set wordpress permanent setting to /%postname%/, for the buddypress permanent setting i did not touch it.
other than that ,
all working , except when click on your profile name in the buddypress member page, it show a page not found.
Any solution?
Thank you @hiboy for your constructive and detailled closing answer.
Sure that this tread will help many people here.