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Profile style switcher for each user

  • Hello, i been searching non stop
    on how to create this basically each user can have there own custom design, by a style.css
    which user can pick from a drop down list or something similar, each user will have a custom design or style which they like, but a cookie will be stored for each user, so you can see any user’s profile with a custom style i want to achieve something like that
    but im not a coder myself i hope someone can help me out, im working on a big project and i really need this feature added, i hope someone can truly help me out

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  • Tammie Lister


    Whilst it’s not just by style.css, the theme currently being developed as a community project for the next version of BuddyPress has a background and colour function that you may be able to use as a template to do something like you want. It’s open source so feel free to download from github and take whatever you want into your theme.

    A word of caution though that theme is in beta currently.



    There’s also a plugin you can use/modify

    thanks this theme looks great, i test it out just to try it out but some how the background image/background color/ color links dont seem to work? at all.. im running buddypress 1.5.5 and wordpress 3.3 but it seems the theme works great no fatal errors nothing which i think its weird also another thing i wanted to ask you is there a way i can easily show the background color/ background image in different parts of the profile example like in the profile header box like below


    i have surely looked into that but for me its hard to add color picker functionally and stuff and set user id sava data so its best to have a live sample already created so i can start from it and tweak it,
    but either way thanks for the help.

    nvm i got it working now. thanks ill see what i can do with it. i appreciate your help!

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