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put admin bar links somehwere else

  • @jenyus


    Does anyone know where i can find the code for the admin bar? i’d like to take those links and put them elsewhere.


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  • @pcwriter



    Here comes some shameless self-promotion! Try the beta-version of my plugin: Add-All-Nav-Links-To-BP-Adminbar. You can add all your main navigation items to the bp-adminbar, hide your theme’s main nav, then customize your new adminbar just about any way you like, including repositioning the whole thing anywhere on your pages. Here’s a screenshot of the backend admin panel:

    You can download from my site here:

    The current release is available here:

    If you try it, please let me know what you think in the plugin’s forum :-)



    hmmm, sounds like it would probably work. only question is how do i force it to appear under my header? i’d prefer to not have to do relative positioning to make it line up correctly.




    Then you should customise your theme and move the admin bar from the footer to an inflow position after the header, it’s that or use the positioning property absolute (bad idea) or relative using a huge offset value equally not a great idea – to effect the adminbar placement.



    Where do i find the call to the admin bar? its not in the footer for my theme so if i knew what the call was i could search for it a lot easier.

    yeah, i dont want to do relative or absolute positioning.



    why is it that your screenshot has all sorts of cool features and when i install it I only have 2 sections?



    To be more accurate the adminbar is added to the wp_footer via an add_action in the core adminbar file so you would need to remove that action and add a new action ‘bp_after_header’

    You would do something along the lines of [not tested]

    remove_action( ‘wp_footer’, ‘bp_core_admin_bar’, 8 ) ;
    add_action( ‘bp_after_header’, ‘bp_core_admin_bar’, 8 );

    Probably ought to be in a wrapper function? and would be run from a functions.php file in a child theme to avoid editing of any core files.




    You probably downloaded the current version from the repo.

    Get the beta release of V2.1 (with all the cool features) from my site here:



    thanks @hnla, i’ll try that

    @pcwriter: how do i put links in the wordpress menu 1 &2? do i use the menu creator in wordpress?





    Yes. In WP3, create your menus in “Appearance” > “Menus”.

    Then copy the menu names to the appropriate fields in “Settings” > “BP-WP-Navbar”.
    – – – – – OR – – – – –
    Give me about an hour to upload the latest version of the plugin to the repository, and then update. The new V2.1 handles the menu insertion automatically (you still have to create your menus yourself though). Plus, you get all the other cool options to play with too!



    awesome! thanks!


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