Can BuddyPress be re-coded to use custom post types?
Yes, but not very easily. An almost complete re-write of the project would be needed.
Ok, so I guess there is no reason to hope that re-coding will be done. Why was BP coded so oddly in the first place?
Thanks, just trying to gain insight.
Why was BP coded so oddly in the first place?
What parts of the BP code do you find odd?
“Oddyly” in the sense that it doesn’t use post/page types….as in it wasn’t built with paid membership and access control functionality in mind. I think that’s ‘odd’ for a community/social plugin.
No offense. It’s just my opinion.
BuddyPress was released in 2009. Custom Post Types were introduced into WordPress in mid-June 2010 so there was no way the original BuddyPress crew could have used them.
Also, the use of custom tables isn’t always a bad thing. If the situation calls for them after careful consideration then you should use them.
In the case of BP, the database schema is sound, queries are optimised and everything is generally done “the WordPress way”. Personally, I don’t think of BP tables as “custom”. I think of them as an extended set of WordPress tables that get activated if you want social features with WordPress.
Ok, thanks for the insight. Unfortunately, I’m still faced with a problem to fix for my paid membership site.