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Re-install is possible?

  • @marcoscerutti


    Guys, Im new here. I did a research on my problem, but I didnt find, maybe by the lack of expertise.

    I got a job to keep a site running on wp / bp.

    problem is, bp cant register new users. actually it takes the form, but never records to the database, which is working just fine. also, the password isnt generated by the system and sent to the user.

    I realised this issue after a server migration, and I see there is no option to update my version of buddypress, and somehow it seems not a plugin recognized by my system.

    My questio is: How can I re-install buddypress without loose all data (which is alot)

    Thanks a lot folks

    1. Which version of WordPress are you running?

    2. Did you install WordPress as a directory or subdomain install?
    its not in a subdomain

    3. If a directory install, is it in root or in a subdirectory?
    No, its not in root, its in /site inside public_html

    4. Did you upgrade from a previous version of WordPress? If so, from which version?
    Not that Im aware of

    5. Was WordPress functioning properly before installing/upgrading BuddyPress (BP)? e.g.
    permalinks, creating a new post, commenting.

    6. Which version of BP are you running?

    7. Did you upgraded from a previous version of BP? If so, from which version?
    Not that Im aware of

    8. Do you have any plugins other than BuddyPress installed and activated? If so, which ones?
    Admin Menu Editor
    BP Group Management
    Contact Form 7
    Custom Field Template
    Custom Post Type UI
    Events Manager Extended
    Image Extractor
    Improved Include Page
    JS & CSS Script Optimizer
    Last phpbb3 topics
    News Mailer
    Smart Archives Reloaded
    Agenda de Eventos

    9. Are you using the standard BuddyPress themes or customized themes?

    10. Have you modified the core files in any way?
    Not that Im aware of

    11. Do you have any custom functions in bp-custom.php?

    12. If running bbPress, which version? Or did your BuddyPress install come with a copy of bbPress

    Not running
    13. Please provide a list of any errors in your server’s log files.
    Cant have it from my host, is there a way to get it by other means?

    14. Which company provides your hosting?
    Locaweb (

    15. Is your server running Windows, or if Linux; Apache, nginx or something else?
    Linux, apache

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  • @mercime


    You know the problem is that BP was set to be compatible with WP 3.0. You have upgraded your installation to latest WP 3.3.1 but did not upgrade your BuddyPress which is now version 1.5.4



    Thanks for the answer pal!
    But as I dont have the option to upgrade BP on plugin page, how would I do that, without loose the data?




    If if you go to ‘add new’ plugins and search for buddypress.

    It should turn up in the list and be noted as installed etc…



    Thats the issue, even on a search for “buddypress” I cant install, it just show details, no options for install it…

    Any idea why I cant upgrade or install a new version?



    A similar thing happened to me since 1.5 came out but I can’t remember the details.

    What happens when you go back to the plugins list?



    The plugin list do not show BP…



    But on the admin menu, to the left, I see buddypress, and I can manage it.

    But register of a new user via site interface is not working. tells user it was successful, but nothing goes on database



    If for some reason it’s not showing up inside the WordPress plugins page, go into your web server (FTP or SSH) into the wp-content/plugins/ folder. Rename “buddypress” to “old-BuddyPress”. Then download BP manually from, unzip, and upload into a new /buddypress directory in the same place.

    Take lots of backups first, including database backups.

    Another place to check is the ‘network admin’ plugins page if you’re using multisite.



    Hi folks. thanks for the answers!

    I did rename the folder (did back up of files and db) and installed new BP. but I got the following error

    `buddypress Fatal error: Call to undefined function show_admin_bar() in /home/storage/5/4c/0d/cnastrologia/public_html/site/wp-content/plugins/buddypress/bp-core/bp-core-buddybar.php on line 585`

    I’m not running multisite also…
    So guys any idea? am I holding a bomb? :-p



    Seems I have 2 sites; on Super admin menu it shows sites, and there is 2 sites listed there.



    I downloaded the version 1.2.10 on a try to recover from the problem, well, the issue got fixed, but than Im back to the same point.. not able to register new user…

    I did another try on register a new user from the form on the frontend, it generated a code, but I never got the email, not wordpress shows there is a new user request. even a query to the database shows the info I added to the new user.
    I sent an email on the contact form to check if I may have issues on my email side on the host, but the email was sent successfully…
    Any idea what may be happening here?

    Is it possible to remove db tables from buddypress, uninstall the plugin, install a new one and than, restore the old tables?



    Oh, I found on the plugins page, under Network, buddypress listed there



    Removed any possible reference to older BP. still same situation…



    Another detail I realised, on wp-signups table, I found my 2 tests, with activation key and all. I got the info from the site holder, that ppl arent able to register since september, 2011.

    On the wp-signup, I see 767 entries for new user, none of them activated, all of them have suspicious email accounts and the dates started mid september.



    Anyone have an idea what it could be?

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