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Redirect w/Woocommerce during billing

  • @lz430


    Hey everyone,
    I have a membership site. It’s running Woocommerce, WP 4.9.6 and Buddypress 3.0.0. My BuddyPress status is below.

    I’m having a problem when someone is choosing a any kind of membership(I only have free and 1 paid at the moment). When they get to the billing screen they can either use Facebook or Google to login and fill in the details.

    Once they do that, Buddypress redirects them to their wall. I want them to be able to continue the checkout process. I’ve tried so many things, but can’t override it.

    Please help!

    ### WordPress Environment ###
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    ### Server Environment ###
    Server Info: Apache
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    ### Post Type Counts ###
    attachment: 121
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    sfwd-courses: 7
    sfwd-lessons: 36
    sfwd-quiz: 38
    sfwd-topic: 147
    shop_order: 7
    shop_subscription: 5
    sidebar: 1
    sp_wps_shortcodes: 1
    topic: 4
    wc_membership_plan: 6
    wcps: 1
    woocarousel: 1
    wpachievements: 3
    wpcf7_contact_form: 1
    wpe_product_carousel: 1
    yith_wcps_type: 1
    ### Security ###
    Secure connection (HTTPS): ❌
    					Your store is not using HTTPS. Learn more about HTTPS and SSL Certificates.
    Hide errors from visitors: ✔
    ### Active Plugins (50) ###
    Addons for WPBakery Page Builder: by Livemesh – 1.9.1
    Akismet Anti-Spam: by Automattic – 4.0.7
    bbPress: by The bbPress Community – 2.5.14
    Better Search Replace: by Delicious Brains – 1.3.2
    Boss for LearnDash: by BuddyBoss – 1.3.0
    BP Redirect To Profile: by Brajesh Singh – 1.2.2
    BuddyBoss Inbox: by BuddyBoss – 1.1.3
    BuddyBoss Media: by BuddyBoss – 3.2.4
    BuddyBoss One Click Installer: by BuddyBoss – 1.0.6
    BuddyBoss Wall: by BuddyBoss – 1.3.3
    BuddyPress for LearnDash: by BuddyBoss – 1.2.4
    BuddyPress Member Types: by BuddyBoss – 1.1.2
    BuddyPress: by The BuddyPress Community – 3.0.0
    Contact Form 7: by Takayuki Miyoshi – 5.0.2
    Force HTTPS: by LittleBizzy – 1.0.6
    Google Doc Embedder: by Kevin Davis
    Dan Lester – 2.6.4
    Insert or Embed Articulate Content into WordPress Trial: by Brian Batt – 4.292
    WPBakery Page Builder: by Michael M - – 5.4.7
    LearnDash Content Cloner: by WisdmLabs – 1.2.2
    LearnDash & bbPress Integration: by LearnDash –
    LearnDash Course Grid: by LearnDash – 1.4.1
    LearnDash ProPanel: by LearnDash – 2.1.3
    LearnDash WooCommerce Integration: by LearnDash – 1.4.0 – Not tested with the active version of WooCommerce
    Mega Addons For Visual Composer: by Nasir – 2.2
    Nextend Social Login: by Nextendweb – 3.0.10
    Nextend Social Login Pro Addon: by Nextendweb – 3.0.8
    WooCommerce Product Carousel Slider: by ADL Plugins – 3.0.2 – Not tested with the active version of WooCommerce
    Restrict Content: by Pippin Williamson – 2.2.3
    Slider Revolution: by ThemePunch –
    LearnDash LMS: by LearnDash –
    Simple Buddypress Profile Privacy: by Justin Hansen – 0.7.7
    String Locator: by Clorith – 2.3.0
    Theme My Login: by Jeff Farthing – 6.4.16
    Uncanny LearnDash Toolkit: by Uncanny Owl – 2.4.2
    Uncanny LearnDash Toolkit Pro: by Uncanny Owl – 2.3.1
    UpdraftPlus - Backup/Restore: by UpdraftPlus.Com
    DavidAnderson – 1.14.11
    Essential WPBakery Page Builder (formerly Visual Composer) Addons: by themebon – 1.9.1
    Waiting: by Plugin Builders – 0.4.5
    WC4BP -> WooCommerce BuddyPress Integration (Premium): by ThemeKraft – 3.1.4 – Not tested with the active version of WooCommerce
    WC4BP -> Subscriptions: by ThemeKraft – 1.1.0 – Not tested with the active version of WooCommerce
    WC4BP -> BuddyPress xProfile Checkout Manager: by ThemeKraft – 1.3.0 – Not tested with the active version of WooCommerce
    WooCommerce Colors: by WooThemes – 1.0.7 – Not tested with the active version of WooCommerce
    WooCommerce PayPal Express Checkout Gateway: by WooCommerce – 1.5.5
    WooCommerce Stripe Gateway: by WooCommerce – 4.1.6
    WooCommerce Memberships: by SkyVerge – 1.10.4
    WooCommerce Social Login: by SkyVerge – 2.5.2
    WooCommerce Subscriptions: by Prospress Inc. – 2.2.21
    WooCommerce: by Automattic – 3.4.1 – 3.4.2 is available
    WP File Manager: by mndpsingh287 – 2.7
    WP Rollback: by WordImpress – 1.5
    ### Settings ###
    API Enabled: ✔
    Force SSL: ✔
    Currency: USD ($)
    Currency Position: left
    Thousand Separator: ,
    Decimal Separator: .
    Number of Decimals: 2
    Taxonomies: Product Types: course (course)
    external (external)
    grouped (grouped)
    simple (simple)
    subscription (subscription)
    variable (variable)
    variable subscription (variable-subscription)
    Taxonomies: Product Visibility: exclude-from-catalog (exclude-from-catalog)
    exclude-from-search (exclude-from-search)
    featured (featured)
    outofstock (outofstock)
    rated-1 (rated-1)
    rated-2 (rated-2)
    rated-3 (rated-3)
    rated-4 (rated-4)
    rated-5 (rated-5)
    ### WC Pages ###
    Shop base: ❌ Page not set
    Cart: #562 - /cart/
    Checkout: #9648 - /woocommerce-checkout/
    My account: #9671 - /membership/
    Terms and conditions: ❌ Page not set
    ### Theme ###
    Name: Boss. Child Theme
    Version: 2.4.3
    Author URL:
    Child Theme: ✔
    Parent Theme Name: Boss.
    Parent Theme Version: 2.4.6
    Parent Theme Author URL:
    WooCommerce Support: ✔
    ### Templates ###
    Overrides: –
    ### subscriptions ###
    WCS_DEBUG: ✔
    Subscriptions Mode: ✔
    Subscriptions Template Theme Overrides: –
    Report Cache Enabled: ✔
    Cache Update Failures: ✔
    						0 failure
Viewing 2 replies - 1 through 2 (of 2 total)
  • @vapvarun


    @lz430 It should be some custom codes your site or plugin configuration which is redirecting member’s wall.



    I’ve tried custom code using http referrer, buddypress hooks.

    Do you have any thing that could help?

Viewing 2 replies - 1 through 2 (of 2 total)
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