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regarding Home theme seeing a new create page seperate from pages created in wp

  • @hally47


    My question is regarding adding a page to the home theme. for instance I want to have a page like but instead of members member2 however I don’t how to get home theme to see it I create a php file page but it doesn’t see it.

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  • @matt082606


    You’re in luck I just had to do this myself, and here is how I did it.

    I created a new php file that I wanted to use for the page and added this to the top of the file:



    Template Name: MY_TEMPLATE_NAME



    you can make, MY_TEMPLATE_NAME, whatever, but be careful there are some reserved template names.

    Save this file in the root directory of your home theme (i.e. wp-content/themes/buddypress-home) now under your admin blog write a new page (NOT POST), make the title relevant to what you want, but don’t put anything in the actual page.

    Scroll down to the “Page Template” menu and when expanded you should see a drop down box with the “MY_TEMPLATE_NAME” as an option. choose that and now just copy down your permalink, and that is the direct link to your newly created page. SIMPLE! I also added in my side_bar to the page I created so that the navigation menu stayed put as I move through all of my pages.



    OH and to separate it from your “pages” list, just add an exclusion of that page on the widget for pages.



    Hi Guys

    I am having the same problem and im totally new to this. To Matto: Thanks for the advice but il be honest-im still lost. How do i do what you just wrote…creating php etc? I would really appreciate the help. Regards Stef

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