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Registration email not being sent

  • @wyldesites


    I’ve search around on the forum and could not find a solution that helps. Here’s my situation:

    1) New installation, latest version of wordpress 3.6 (done in accordance with your guidelines)
    2) New, fresh installation of BuddyPress + rtMedia plugin for BP
    3) The problem occurs no matter what theme I try (twentytwelve/twentythirteen), I’m using ‘Mingle’ by parallelus.
    4) After completing the registration, the user gets directed to the /activate page which displays properly.
    5) No email is ever sent, not to the user or the admin. (I have notify admin of new user registration set, in WP settings)
    6) With buddypress still installed, I can go to the wordpress ‘user’ section and manually create a new user and the email conformation/password gets sent immediately, so I know that php_mail is doing it’s job. It’s just the registration KEY that doesn’t go out.
    7) I’ve tried the ‘wp-better-emails’ plugin, that did nothing so I removed it.

    Any ideas or suggestions would be appreciated. I’ve just started a substantial job based on the assumption that I’d be able to use buddypress, and this issue pretty much renders the platform unusable ..


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  • @mercime


    @wyldesites I just set up a new installation WP 3.6 and BP 1.8.1 and registration with activation email is working.

    – Check server email configuration – if you deactivate BuddyPress, does the registration process work for you? Where are you hosted?

    – Deactivate all plugins except BuddyPress and change to Twenty Twelve theme. If all’s well, then activate theme. If user can register, then could be one of the plugins. Activate plugins batch by batch while testing to check which is interfering with registration/activation.



    Ok I figured out the problem. The server/ISP that my client is on has been blacklisted by barracuda and a few other spam services, thus emails not getting through to certain addresses. For instance, if I signed up using my @gmail address (I get the registration). If I signed up using @hotmail or @mydomain, the mail gets killed.



    The server/ISP that my client is on has been blacklisted by barracuda and a few other spam services.

    where is/was your client hosted?



    My client is hosted with DreamHost.

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