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Registration stopped working

  • TKServer


    Been on BuddyPress for years. Just got an email from a user today that was unable to register. I tested it out and on submission I get a screen flash, then nothing. There are no errors in the dev tools console. There are no php errors logged. I’m a little stumped. I switched themes to a default 2024 theme, and the issue happens on that as well. Would appreciate any suggestions.

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  • TKServer


    Naturally right after I posed my plea for help I figured it out. I had a bot attack about a week ago and as a result I tightened down a security plugin I’ve been using. Apparently some setting in that plugin broke the registration. So now I don’t have the security plugin enabled, which will probably mean a bunch of bot registrations, but I’ll try to narrow down the issue and report back in case it helps anyone else.



    Sigh. I’m talking to myself… It seems that disabling that security plugin seemed to work but now my registration is back to broken. So I’m not sure that was really it, or there’s something else going on.



    I’m quite stumped. My registration page doesn’t submit on my production site, but works fine in my local (of course). The page flashes for a split second then stays on the same page. No errors in the console. No php errors in the log.



    I take it you’ve deactivated all plugins to check it’s definitely BP? I know this can be difficult on a live site

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