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[Resolved] Highlight Tab in Nav for ”sub-pages” of a component, not only the first page!

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  • Gianfranco


    Hi, Paul!

    I got a fresh and clean install of both WP and BP, and it’s not working for me.

    The weird think I noticed after the install is that the “header.php” file is calling a “WP Menu”:

    ` false, ‘menu_id’ => ‘nav’, ‘theme_location’ => ‘primary’, ‘fallback_cb’ => ‘bp_dtheme_main_nav’ ) ); ?>`

    … but in the WP Admin > Apperance > Menus I didn’t have any menu that I could customize (add tabs, …) so I had to create one with the same name: “nav”.

    Is that normal? And could this be anyhow related to my issue of having no automatic “highlight” tab for sub-pages in components?

    Thanks for your help…



    Ok, I seem to understand that the default theme comes with the above “wp_nav_menu” with a fallback to action, meaning the menu is built in “functions.php”.

    So, if I delete the menu in the WP Admin, I get an automaticly generated Main Navigation, and the “highlight” tab works fine for all the pages under the same component. BUT, it does display ALL the pages, so how to choose what you want and in which order?

    Otherwise, if you do use a custom menu build in the Admin, than you don’t get the “highlight” tab for all the pages under the same component.

    I hope this is clear.
    Probably I am missing some basic thing. Otherwise, there is a twist somewhere in the core, and I can’t believe nobosy brought this issue up.


    The fix in that ticket is going to be included in BuddyPress 1.6. You’d need to edit the file(s) and make the changes manually :)



    Ok, thanks for the answer, Paul!

    The problem is that I don’t know where to start. Should I copy all the code from the ticket in functions.php (don’t think so…). Or a part of it? And where.

    If you culd be more specific, i’ll greatly appreciate.



    Well I’ve just done it ( ) and the issue seems to be fixed!

    Unfortunately it means changing the lines in the `/wp-content/plugins/buddypress/bp-core/bp-core-catchuri.php` file

    This edit will be overwritten when buddypress is upgraded, and buddypress may have further revisions to 1.5* before 1.6 (with the fix) hatches so take notes in case you have to re-do it!

    Make sure you back everything up before trying the edit!



    Thanks a lot, aces! That did it. And yeah, of course I’ve written this down in my “production notes” to keep in mind that I modified that core file and what and why I did it.

    Big thank you to you, man!

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