@ashraf something’s getting lost in translation. Are you asking how to add profile fields (https://codex.buddypress.org/getting-started/configure-buddypress-components/#users-profile-fields) and/or asking for a demo site which allows you to add profile fields (none public that I know of) ?
Thank you for your interest in the problem here sir
Step 3. All done! Configuration settings have been saved to the file bb-config.php in the root of your WordPress install.
I have another problem when you add YouTube does not work mis ..!!
@ Ceremony
Thank you You are a good man to extend a helping hand the problem has been resolved ..
There was a conflict with another program and you delete it, and now works well I hope with all my heart that is being developed in the future to what is the best and I wish you all success sir .. My respects.
Who on earth is Ceremony? 
Mr. Hugo
What I do not understand your words talking not Aaklh seems it Google Translate mis ..!!
Is ceremony kin to macaroni? LOL!
I’ve used google translate on a few occasions and it’s really quite good. What is your native language ,as if you are google translating it does appear to be struggling, much as we are sorry to say.
I use WP Google Translate plugin on 2 sites and as @hnla says It works quite good. I just got offered $7.5 million dollars for one of my sites. Time will tell if the offer was legitimate.