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[Resolved] Ray of Light WordPress Theme issues

  • @centennialchristianchurch


    Hi. I currently am building a church website and I am using the the Ray of Light by Orange themes.

    What I have done is made a test website to see if this theme would work with BuddyPress but it does not.
    I have installed the BuddyPress Theme Compatibility and ran this with the Ray of Light Theme and this broke the theme (Go here to see what I mean:

    So I contacted Orange Theme with this response:

    Hi. I have purchased your WordPress Theme Ray of Light.

    I currently have a church website that uses this theme. I do love your theme and wanted to add a social network feature as well.

    I currently am using Mingle for the social network, but this plugin has so many bugs I want to switch.

    I want to use BuddyPress. I am told this is a great plugin that fits my needs for a social network.

    The issue that I am having is the Ray of Light theme is not compatible with BuddyPress.

    So I use the BuddyPress theme converter and when I did this and go to a buddypress page, the site theme breaks, here is an example:

    Now this website is just a test site for getting buddypress to work.

    So I was wondering if you could make me a Ray of Light theme that is compatible for Buddy Press so that I can still have all the wonderful features of the Ray of Light Theme but also use BuddyPress so that the theme does not look broken like

    They responded with this message:

    Since plugin is integrated, it would be easier to edit plugin. Try contacting plugin support, and ask them help. We are not familliar with Budypress code, so we won’t be able to help. If plugin authors will need any help from us, they are welcome to ask questions.
    Best regards,
    Orange Themes (

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  • @mercime


    To clarify:
    – You installed WP and activated BuddyPress in physical subdomain buddypress of
    – You installed and activated BP Template Pack plugin and have gone through Appearance > BP Compatibility
    – For Step 3 of the compatibility process, you need to use the 1st method (change 16 BP template files) OR the 2nd method (xxx-buddypress.php file) to make your theme compatible with BP. You haven’t changed anything in your theme files yet?

    Open up your ray of light theme’s header.php file, copy all source, go to, paste copied source, click submit, and post the generated pastebin uri here. Do the same for your theme’s footer.php, sidebar.php, index.php and page.php files.



    Personally, I have no experience with PHP coding, But I have been working with Orange Themes, they developed my theme.

    So could you write a response as to how they can convert there Ray of Light Theme to BuddyPress Theme?

    I do believe that some instructions above do explain this, but could you please write this reply so I can forward this to them?



    This is what I need to help you make your theme compatible with BuddyPress as I posted above.

    Open up your ray of light theme’s header.php file, copy all source, go to, paste copied source, click submit, and post the generated pastebin uri here. Do the same for your theme’s footer.php, sidebar.php, index.php and page.php files.

    Only after checking out those files will I be able to make any determination and/or request from your theme developer.


    Member – Ray of Light header.php – Ray of Light footer.php – Ray of Light sidebar.php – Ray of Light index.php – Ray of Light singlepage.php

    If this does not work, do not worry. I am testing compatibility on a test website with this theme.



    Please let me know when you are done. Now to test the code, do I simply just copy your corrections of the code on pastbin to my wordpress theme editor?



    Based on the HTML structure of the Ray of Light theme, you need to change 16 template files within the 6 BP Template folders transferred to your ray of light theme folder when you ran Appearance > BP Compatibility

    Download those 6 BP folders to your computer hard drive.

    At the top of all the 16 template files per link I gave above, replace:






    At the bottom of all template files replace:


    with the following for all template files except /registration/register.php:



    with the following for /registration/register.php file:

    jQuery(document).ready( function() {
    if ( jQuery(‘div#blog-details’).length && !jQuery(‘div#blog-details’).hasClass(‘show’) )

    jQuery( ‘input#signup_with_blog’ ).click( function() {




    Save files. Upload the 6 BP folders with the revised template files to your server wp-content/themes/ray-of-light/

    If there are any issues, point your theme developer to this topic. I’m sure they can identify faster any missing or superfluous divs around in the post.



    I am sorry, but I am having a hard time with finding the items to replace.

    What I am willing to do is give you an admin login for my test site and allow you to edit the template files as you see fit to fix this issue.

    So everyone does not get the test sites admin login details please send me a private message with the following desired details:

    Username (required)
    E-mail (required)
    First Name
    Last Name
    Password (twice, required)



    Sorry, but that is beyond the scope of the assistance I already provided here. Know that most of us who assist here are volunteers. If you are not able to make the basic template changes, you need to find someone or hire someone to do this for you e.g. at and refer them to this post.



    The theme developer has been directed to this post. I thank you for your help and we shall see if this will fix the issues.



    The them developer has applied the changes you suggested. If you go back to the test website
    and view the only navigation menu pages, the website header and navigation bar are removed.



    The theme developer has responded and does need more assistance because the navigation and website header are missing.



    The difference is that the pasted source content of your page.php you posted above in where I based the HTML structure didn’t contain “ which was in source content of your index.php post above in

    You would need to add that missing line right under get_header in 16 files of BP Templates like so …




    I would like to thank you mercime, with the help of you and the theme developer, BuddyPress does work on my theme now. Thank you.



    You’re welcome. Thank you for coming back and sharing the good news :-)



    Hi. I have the same trouble. How to make rayoflight theme compatiblity with buddypress? links pastebin don’t works… ;/

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