Sign up fatal error!
Fatal error: Call to undefined method BP_XProfile_Field::get_edit_html() in /public_html/wp-content/plugins/buddypress/bp-xprofile/bp-xprofile-signup.php on line 38
Seems to have happened since updating to latest svn trunk today. Any ideas anyone?
Thanks in advance.
Yes. Don’t use trunk. It’s not guaranteed to work and is prone to being less secure than actual releases.
There’s been a lot of code committed to the trunk in the last week or so, with more coming from next week. You’ve lived on the edge and now you’ve been cut
Hi here,
We experience this kind of issue with the last RC of Buddypress 1.1, here is the error:
Fatal error: Call to undefined method BP_XProfile_Field::get_edit_html() in /home/casualgames/www/wp-content/plugins/buddypress/bp-xprofile/deprecated/bp-xprofile-deprecated.php on line 446
Any idea?
@casualbox: why don’t you use 1.1 rather than RC?
Thanks. Updated.
The issue still occurs. Gasp
You are either using an outdated 3rd-party plugin, a outdated custom theme, or need to update your own custom code to v1.1. The function get_edit_html() has been deprecated.
If you are using a 3rd-party plugin or theme, you should contact the developer and ask when they plan on updating it. If it happens to be the old, xprofile privacy plugin (which depended on that function and a core hack to work), then please read this thread.
I get exactly the same error, brand new install of WPMU 2.8.4a and Buddypress 1.1, no other plugins installed.
I keep trying to select the Buddypress default theme and it says settings saved but the page then reverts back to showing the Network Parent Theme 1.1 as the default one. Is this correct?
Network Parent Theme sounds like a custom, 3rd-party theme to me. The default parent/child BP themes are bp-sn-parent and bp-default.
Make sure that you have enabled the BuddyPress default theme in the “Site Admin > Themes†menu and then activated the BuddyPress default theme in “Appearance > Themesâ€.
If you’re still having issues, read the second linked to thread in my post above.
I’m having the same problems as David mekersa and colly72. No custom themes, no custom code, the only BP-dependent plugin I’m trying to integrate now is bbPress (and I still haven’t gotten it working yet so hopefully that’s not the problem), latest version of everything.
I moved themes to “/wp-content/themes/” and activated them. I’m on Parent, tried to pick Default for BP, it keeps reverting. However, I don’t want it to be the theme for the root blog.
1.1 shouldn’t require extra plugin to integrate bbpress. You should write about your software versions when you ask for help on this forum. And for theme, it sounds like you are using bp-sn-parent which shouldn’t be used directly. Please read sticky posts about new theme architecture and 1.1 help.
I meant that it’s a plugin insofar as I dropped it into “/”.
As I said everything’s the latest version so:
WPMU – 2.8.4
BP – 1.1
bb – latest build from SVN
As for the theme, even if I wasn’t supposed to be using it, I was trying to change it. Problem is, it won’t change now.
I’m having the same error. I can attest to the fact that none of these are because of 3rd party. I have a brand new Buddypress, fully update WordPress Mu, and Bbpress installed at the /forum directory. It will not let me switch from a different BPtheme other than the Network Parent Theme, which is one of the two themes bundled with Buddypress. The error comes regardless of which WP theme I am using – I am getting the exact same result. By commenting out lines 428-456 in the bx-profile-deprecated.php file, I can get a working sign in form, but users have to put in their own profile information later. Has there been any to get a permanent fix here?
Hi there,
I have been going through this thing off and on throughout the day. My conclusion, and don’t call me obvious, is this release is definately not stable.
In regards to this specific error…
…I was experiencing this earlier today when I had a clean install. I got so annoyed, I decided to wipe everything. After doing a complete wipe, I reinstalled everything manually. To my surprise…
… the error continued.
So… I did what any annoyed and flustered script monkey would do… grabbed a coke and began to dig in.
I have managed to defeat this error by doing a clean install of WPMU 2.8.4 manually. I completely wiped the DB as well. I also did a fresh install of BP 1.1.
The issue, and it may not be this easy for all, appears to be “cleaning house”. Ensure when you are manipulating, transfering, and removing files, that you are replacing them with the 1.1 release rather than the 1.0.3.
I would provide more information; however, I am encountering more issues after defeating this. So rather than robbing Peter to pay Paul, I will wait till either I have a proven resolution for you or someone else beats me to it.
I will say this, once you review your theme files, you may find somewhere in all the code the path specified for the new theme structure appears to not have been completely updated or addressed. This is the issue I am currently working to defeat.
I hope this finds some of you well.
I think I might have a solution.
There is some serious confusion internally between what to do with Bpthemes. if you load Bpthemes into /wp-content/bbthemes, then there is no red dialogue Box in the themes section of buddypress. However, using other themes will break. Conversely, if you load the themes into the wp-content/themes folder, they appear in appearences->themes, and everything works! So, the issue here is theme support. There are conflicting instructions in the v1.1 release.
I agree with your post, copying the themes to where you suggest has resolved the issue for me. The instructions in 1.1 are wrong, or at least, they were for me.
If /wp-content/bpthemes/ exist, BP will try to use pre-version 1.1 themes.
If that folder doesn’t exist, it will load from /wp-content/themes/ as like normal WordPress. This is explained perfectly well in the upgrade documentation and throughout this forum.
I’m also going to mark this thread complete as the original poster’s user account has apparently been deleted at some point.
I disagree, I didnt expect to have to read upgrade documentation when doing a fresh 1.1 install. The red dialog box in the themes section conflicts what you are saying.
Sorry, I was going through 30+ threads at the same time. Thought yours was an upgrade.
Whether you are upgrading or installing BuddyPress for the first time, the instructions are clear on what to do with the theme files:
Installing new:
Please, always read the instructions before upgrading an old or installing a new copy of BuddyPress. The readme.txt file that comes with BuddyPress is also clear on what to do with the theme files.
As it is quick, simple, and painless, I always manually upgrade or install new BP versions, instead you using automatic update. You have more control over the process.
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