What does it say in your error log?
God, and I thought my website looked good!
You have the exact same problem I do – the pages are effectively identical.
http://wholelifewholeworld.com/wp-signup.php / http://wholelifewholeworld.com/register
Where do I find this error log then?
…forgot to say – same – 1.1 on a wpmu 2.8.4a installation.
Check my error logs and don’t see anything amiss — just an error when I first install the upgrade and was getting it integrated into my theme.
`[04-Oct-2009 16:50:48] PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined function bp_is_blog_page() in /home5/threeshe/public_html/threesheetsnw/wp-content/themes/newsport/header.php on line 43′
@Jamesatwholelifewholeworld — thanks for the kind words.
Follow the instructions on upgrading, pay close attention to the part about using a non-buddypress theme, because there were some changes made to the integration. I had the same problem and this page helped me out, I just need to tweek some stuff because it looks funny, but the essential function is all back. https://codex.buddypress.org/how-to-guides/upgrading-a-buddypress-1-0-theme-for-buddypress-1-1/
I just noticed I have the same problem. I am not sure if this is a bug as maybe not all admins check the old sign-up page?
I had renamed it to stop splogs, but after the BP installation (1.1, from scratch, with new standard themes), the register pages shows the entire form, including extra profile fields, but the ‘regular’ sign-up page only shows up half (see http://biketravellers.com/wp-newblog.php )
What is going on? No errors, it just stops halfway.
Upgrade to 1.1.1 and let us know if that fixes it.
Yep, that fixed it for me, thanks
Upgrading to 1.1.1 fixed it for me, too. Thanks.
I’m setting this to resolved as the OP says the issue is just that!