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Single WP supported on latest trunk

  • jedbarish


    I noticed a message in latest trunk that its now supported on Single WP. I needed to make sure about this. I tested it on the latest WP 2.9 with the BP trunk 2211. It seems not working well. Is it designed for latest WPMU Trunk which it merged both platforms?

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  • Xevo


    Trunk are the latest changes and are all unstable, if it doesn’t work well it’s not that suprising.

    Would be suprised if Andy/jjj started working on this already btw.

    I’ve added the WP abstraction code that will allow BuddyPress to run on all WordPress versions to the trunk. This code will more than likely be needed even after the merge, so I want to get it in there and up and running for 1.2.

    I’ve had it going for a while locally, so it seems silly to sit on this until 1.3. After the merge I will tweak where needed, but I don’t anticipate much change since the multiblog features of 3.0 will simply be an on/off setting.

    Also – you must enable pretty permalinks on your single WP installation, otherwise BP will not work at all.



    I already set up the permalinks under custom as /%category%/%postname%/ so it went to a blog but not for members and other sections. On the front page of activity stream kept showing the loading icon. It displayed my new post update but appeared with another theme (header). I located the bpthemes under wp-content/themes and everything else in right place. Maybe there is an issue when wp installed under sub-directory like



    I had to reinstall the latest BP trunk with WP 2.9 as main directory of the domain instead under a sub directory of the domain to make the theme to work very well. Im going to continue to test different plugins made for BP to see how it reacts differently than WPMU platform.

    Since someone worked on latest WPMU trunk that merged the code of WP/WPMU already that will become the 3.0 so what’s the benefit of getting the current trunk to work on Single WP version or it’s better for us to continue on single WP toward to 3.0 which my current website already been on single WP platform. It might be easier for me to continue the single wp until 3.0 with BP to work perfectly together, right?

    I appreciated the effort to enable the single wp for BP today instead later on! Kudos to Andy and his team :)



    i’m testing this new configuration since a few days on a standard mutualized host…

    http://www.domain.tld/mytest which is in fact a sub domain of http://anothername.hostname.tld/mytest

    WP/BP are working correctly but not well, because of openbase_dir restriction, mostly used on mutu hosts. It’s not really restrictive, only updates and some updates don’t work ! More difficult would be the plugins, some are really poor coded and this time, they will explode completly (and disapear if there authors don’twon’t update seriously)

    I tried different things to change path and so, but openbase_dir is always coming up. And of course my host can’t do nothing except proposing me a better host contract :-)

    Also, don’t try to use WP 3.0 pre alpha at this time with the BP trunk, it’s very unstable. Use WP 2.9 and BP trunk or stable



    Is the BuddyPress theme required for BuddyPress to work on an existing WordPress install… or can we pick and choose pieces from the official BP theme and incorporate as needed? I’m assuming the latter, but wanted to be sure before I start to hack away. :)

    No the theme is no absolutely required, if you take the templates you need and adapt them to your existing template it will work. You will need to keep them up to date over each version though. I don’t expect the number of template changes to be as significant after 1.2.



    Thanks for clearing that up Andy! :)



    It does indeed work with WordPress 2.9, however none of my registered members are showing up. The only account that shows up in the member listing is the admin account.

    Have any of your registered members logged in since you activated BuddyPress? (i.e. log out + log in, to remake the cookie)

    Andrea Rennick


    “I don’t expect the number of template changes to be as significant after 1.2. “

    This makes me feel better. :) There has been a LOT of theme changes in the past, and once BP is into the greater WP world, I’m afraid too many in the future will turn people off. :-/

    So if it’s mostly settled down at 1.2, that’s good news.

    It does indeed work with WordPress 2.9, however none of my registered members are showing up. The only account that shows up in the member listing is the admin account.

    The default members page filter is “active members”. If they haven’t logged in and been active since BuddyPress was activated they will not show. If you change the filter to “Alphabetical” or something else, they will show.



    Thanks. That clears things up. The only other problem I’ve encountered is after I deactivate the BuddyPress plugin and re-activate it, I’ll get the follow db errors:

    WordPress database error: [Duplicate key name ‘useritem’]

    ALTER TABLE wp_bp_notifications ADD KEY useritem (user_id, is_new)

    WordPress database error: [Table ‘wp_bp_activity’ already exists]

    RENAME TABLE wp_bp_activity_user_activity_cached TO wp_bp_activity

    WordPress database error: [Duplicate entry ‘1’ for key 1]

    INSERT INTO wp_bp_xprofile_groups VALUES ( 1, ‘Base’, ”, 0 );

    WordPress database error: [Duplicate entry ‘1’ for key 1]

    INSERT INTO wp_bp_xprofile_fields ( id, group_id, parent_id, type, name, is_required, can_delete ) VALUES ( 1, 1, 0, ‘textbox’, ‘Name’, 1, 0 );



    Just browsing, but kudos to Andy for providing support on unsupported features in unreleased software on unsupported platforms. Wow.



    I installed BP on a single install of WP a few days ago and it worked pretty well, except for a few smaller problems. The profile field setup menu item didn’t show up, which turned out to be a wrongly named permission (so nothing to do actually with single WP) and for some reason the forums tables didn’t get installed at all, so I just imported them from a WPMU-BP install. All seems to work fine now…



    I’ve been messing around with BuddyPress and WPMU since April 09 or so. I haven’t been able to get my community up and running yet.

    Single WP seems to be an alternative that might work for me, but whew, I “just” got a semi-functional WPMU-BuddyPress site going.

    My community doesn’t really “need” separate blogs for each member…just a way to have a profile page, post stuff and see sitewide activity. Don’t even need them to post “pages,” just posts and post categories really.

    Right now, I’m working on configuring a user blog theme that has widgets pre-set and a BuddyPress WPMU set up that does not allow users to change their themes or widgets.

    I use WP on several sites, and “kind of” know WP. WPMU has been a real challenge for me.

    …Not sure whether to test this though…



    Can someone let me know whether 1.2 will “offically” support WP 2.9? I will probably launch after BP1.2, but before the merge. Right now, I’m having some issues with WP plugins working on WPMU, but would rather that than BP plugins not working on regular WP.



    amazing stuff that bp now supports wp single install. setup was a piece of cake til i wanted to devour the forums. the process itself was smooth, however when trying to access the forums i get a 404 even though .htaccess shouldn’t be an issue (as it’s just from the basic wp distro) as well as database setup (same database, same user) – any suggestions as i’m actually not really into php nor programming… :|



    just thought to myself i should try it like integrating into wp: install seperately and then bridge (through the buddypress admin) – works perfect!



    Can i install latest trunk, it will work?



    i’ve tested it on a local install of wp 2.9.1 with latest trunk and it works very good to be a “prepre-release”.

    Can someone let me know whether 1.2 will “offically” support WP 2.9? I will probably launch after BP1.2, but before the merge. Right now, I’m having some issues with WP plugins working on WPMU, but would rather that than BP plugins not working on regular WP.

    Yes, BP 1.2 will officially support — and requires at least — WPMU 2.9.x and WP 2.9.x.



    Buddypress on WordPress SU Really works for me!! I <3 Buddypress on WPSU!!!!

    Old thread is old

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