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Sitemap generator beta – looking for a few testers

  • @nuprn1


    If anyone enjoys unpredictable results and testing out a very early plug-in before I place it on WP, drop me a note.

    group page has the details:

    I’m only on Single WP2.9.2 with a small set of test users (~800) but I would love some feedback, input, code, etc… :-)

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  • @nuprn1


    ok, tagged on wordpress repo v0.0.2

    Hopefully next weekend I’ll get the Admin UI cleaned up, some documentation, and a priority calculator

    Also looking for MU users to test it out.

    …and least Google accepted it :)

    Sitemap Index Total: 5,629, Indexed: 116 Feb 23, 2010 – Resubmit Feb 23, 2010



    Just a suggestion but i’d by default make the plugin place the files in a folder. When I ran it it created 17 files. This could be a personal preference but I like my root WP folder to be as clean as possible. :)



    that may run into a conflict with the urls loc

    Google has detected some URLs that appear to be at a higher level or different domain than the Sitemap file location. If you receive this error, try moving your Sitemap file to a higher location in your site and submitting again. For instance, if your Sitemap is listed under, the following URLs are not valid for that Sitemap:

    * – it’s at a higher level than the Sitemap

    * – it’s in a directory parallel to the Sitemap

    you can uncheck the xml file and just generate a .gz of each -BUT i just realized this causes a bug and won’t create the sitemapindex :-P – this will be fixed in 0.0.3



    tagged 0.0.3 with the above fix and cleaned up the admin UI a bit.

    optional to create just xml, gz or both



    I am getting this response from Webmaster Tools for “bp-sitemap-members-f.xml.gz” and for which Google also claims there are 0 submitted and 0 indexed URLs.

    “Missing XML tag
    This required tag is missing. Please add it and resubmit.”

    The “bp-sitemap-members-f.xml.gz” file contains this…


    Can you tell me how to resolve this since I have got so many splinters in my fingers from scratching my head I can hardly think, let alone type any more…? 8^)



    Oh lord. How can I post an XML code snippet in here when BuddyPress is not my buddy?




    Last week I upgraded to WP 3.0 and installed your Buddypress Sitemap Generator

    Then, I upgraded to Buddypress

    Now, I cannot install Buddypress fully – any version.

    When I try to install it just keep loading and loading. I tried deleting all
    plugins. Then I noticed your sitemap files were not in a plugin folder.

    I don’t know if I deleted them all and if this is what is still causing the problem.

    If you want to take a look at my site, you are welcome. When you visit the site,
    it looks like it is working – but only for existing users. New users cannot register
    and I cannot login to admin unless I delete Buddypress..

    Any suggestions would be welcomed.




    @Terence, creates friendship and everything is ok



    wordpress 3, BP., 7000 members
    Submitted URLs
    4,975 URLs in web index
    bp-sitemap-activity.xml.gz Sitemap Jul 14, 2010 50,000 172
    bp-sitemap-groups-f.xml.gz Sitemap Jul 14, 2010 2 1
    bp-sitemap-groups.xml.gz Sitemap Jul 14, 2010 10 8
    bp-sitemap-members-a.xml.gz Sitemap Jul 14, 2010 43,362 333
    bp-sitemap-members-g.xml.gz Sitemap Jul 10, 2010 3 1
    bp-sitemap-members-x.xml.gz Sitemap Jul 14, 2010 6,982 430
    bp-sitemap-members.xml.gz Sitemap Jul 13, 2010 7,228 1,394
    bp-sitemap.xml Index Jul 14, 2010 107,587 2,339



    @dlittle800 – no, the files this plugin generates won’t have any impact on BP working or not

    @moreivyou – wow you have a lot of urls going on. good to know it works :P I need update this plugin and especially get around the 50k mark. Would you mind sending me the url to your sitemap files?

    also i just setup the group forum for this plugin too

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