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Slugs with -2 after update

  • @jaroslawistok


    I had a problem with youzify and they sais I should bp classic.

    Now they have update so I dont need it anymore.

    Then they wrote it was because of buddypress update.

    Now all is broken, links don’t work

    Whan I try to set slung in eac one there is slug with -2

    I tried with empty standard pages created or also without this pages (what is correctly?

    I just can’t change this slungs to some without -2 after…

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  • @imath


    Hi @jaroslawistok

    Sorry to read about it. Can you tell me a bit more about your config?
    – regular or Multisite WordPress ?
    – if Multisite how BuddyPress is activated ? Network widely, on the main site or on a subsite ?
    – If activated network widely, are you using the constant to set the BP root site to be a subsite instead of main one?



    Not multi, widely activated, BP is a root

    Do I have to have created standard empty pages? For now I haven’t

    After saving permalinks still is coming members-2 ans s on in buddypress after saving



    So you’re using BP version 12.0 on a regular site (not a multisite config), you activated, then deactivated BP Classic because it was no more needed. And now when you go into the URLs tab of the BuddyPress settings and tries to customize slugs, it adds a -2 suffix.

    Is it happening when these slugs are default BuddyPress ones only (eg: activity, members) or is it happening even with these slugs: ‘activites’, ‘membres’ for example?

    If it’s only happening with BuddyPress default slugs: check there are no regular WordPress pages using the BP slugs.

    Then try to use the Reset Slugs BuddyPress tools from the WP Admin tools menu.

    If it didn’t fixed the issue, try to temporarily add this code to the functions.php of your active theme:
    remove_filter( 'wp_unique_post_slug', 'bp_core_set_unique_directory_page_slug', 10, 6 );

    Go to the URLs tab of the BuddyPress settings and try to customize slugs again.

    Then remove the custom code you added to the functions.php of your active theme.



    I did under Tools:

    Reset all BuddyPress slugs to default ones

    I saved permalinks, there are no standard pages with this names

    And still after saving slugs gets -2



    Have you tried to temporarily add this code to the functions.php of your active theme?

    remove_filter( 'wp_unique_post_slug', 'bp_core_set_unique_directory_page_slug', 10, 6 );

    And then did you go to the URLs tab of the BuddyPress settings and try to customize slugs again?

    If so, using your tool to administrate your site’s database (eg: PHPMyAdmin), can you run this query:

    SELECT id, post_type FROM wp_posts WHERE post_name LIKE "members%"



    SELECT id, post_type FROM wp_posts WHERE post_name LIKE “members%”

    SELECT id, post_type FROM wp_posts WHERE post_name LIKE “members%” LIMIT 0, 25
    MySQL meldet: Dokumentation

    #1146 – Tabelle ‘xiwglwbv_rainbow.wp_posts’ existiert nicht

    adding: remove_filter( ‘wp_unique_post_slug’, ‘bp_core_set_unique_directory_page_slug’, 10, 6 );

    to functions wordpress quiting with failure
    It is so aanoying now with this issue



    Ok, I understand you don’t want to take the time to fix the issue. It’s really difficult to understand each other. Sorry to read my help is so annoying. If the table is not called wp_posts, it’s probably due to the custom table prefix you defined into your wp_config.php file. The code I’ve shared is a filter, there’s no way for it to fail, but you managed to! I don’t know how you pasted it. You don’t seem to read what I’m advising you to do and you don’t reply in an understandable way. If you don’t want to fix the issue, I advise you to look into this support reply to see how to roll back to 11.4.0:

    I won’t annoy you anymore.



    It so chaotic here I can’t fin my last entry, my account overviw not allowed to see even when logged in.Normal Wp Support is much better than this here

    I try to roleout old bp version, changed the tabel entry to 13408

    but now aftre rentsall old version there is a critical error



    I’m also having a similar issue with the ‘members/profile/ pages. Yuzify plugin is not responding well to the new 12.0 version. Each of my site’s member profile pages such as is not rending right…however, displays fine…any page or url deriving from there is not displaying right.

    Any idea what I need to set or change in the URL options of BuddyPress? I’m sure its related to that.



    Hi @jmchez

    We’ll package a 12.1.0 minor release Monday which will improve the Reset Slugs tool you can find into WP Admin > Tools > BuddyPress. This should avoid some orphaned directory page that might cause the number suffix.

    If you have regular pages using the same slugs than your BP Directories, I also advise you to edit their slugs to something different.

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