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[SOLVED] Group Documents, not able to ul mp3

  • @tertitten


    Hi, I’m using 0.3.5 of Group Documents and I love the idea of it, however I am supposed to use it to handle audio files, in particular mp3 files.

    I have added mp3 to the file extensions in the plugin setup…
    When I upload a file it goes to 100% and then everything seems ok, but the file is not added anywhere.
    This also happens with .zip files (already present in the extensions setup)

    Adding files such as text files, and other documents works fine, adding mp3’s is a no go..
    I use the latest stable wp and have made sure it’s not a issue with upload maxsize in .htaccess

    I suspect that the plugin somehow fails with larger filesizes

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  • @tertitten


    It seems it was a problem with permlink setup on my end, wierd that it worked with some documents though

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