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Spam, Spam and more spam

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  • @3sixty


    The plugin wordpress Hashcash (updated today to 4.5.1) should now work for BuddyPress registration but it stops EVERYBODY from registering.

    This is not true for me. I just registered a test user with Hashcash 4.5.1 installed. Though still waiting to see if it stops BP splog spammers.



    15 hours since Hashcash 4.5.1 was installed and still no new splogs registered. This compares with about 40 splogs over the preceding 3 days.



    Hashcash 4.5.1. doesn’t work for me anymore… I had almost none spam-signups with the old version, but now there are alot! Maybe I will try the proxy-method mentioned above… (it seems, that it never is over… I thought I found a solution, but now I am flooded again :-()



    PS: I think it is also interesting, that now has a huge spam-problem too… Andy always mentioned, that it was ok… but it seems not anymore…



    The .htaccess solution posted above is working sweet for us.

    Actually, because our site has such a wide niche and entices people to speak their mind, not sure that we want anyone from a proxy IP to have access anyway, so this kills two birds….



    I give up, I’m just going to ban the proxies if its the only solution.

    Do the rules need to be insert at a particular position in the .htaaccess?



    Hashcash 4.5.1. doesn’t work for me anymore…

    It does look like the spammers are starting to break through Hashcash again. I just got a new splog signup 11 minutes ago.

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