Contact a forum moderator
On that one.
Spam is becoming a serious threat to Buddypress. We need to create a dedicated Spam section to help people fight it.
Ever since I posted my site here in the showcase thread I suddenly had a flood of spam
Have you read these recommandations ?
They help in many cases. Really.
zageek – in another thread @mikepratt mentioned he has a small number of required fields. If you just have the default stuff on signup, yeah, you’ll get flooded.
I was having major problems w/ sploggers. The link Chouf1 mentioned totally stopped ’em dead in their tracks. I think I’ve only had one splogger since, and it was a real person just typing it in somewhere in Thailand, trying to up their SEO ranking or something weird like that. :p
Oh. @Andrea_r –> any way you could point me to that particular Mike Pratt thread?
Here’s something else that might interest a few: I installed WPMU Super Captcha over the weekend (running WPMU2.9.1 & BP1.2rc). Since then, there have been no bot signups at all, and the plugin has blocked exactly 50 attempts. Plus, it logs each attempt that it blocks so I can keep track.
I’ve also added a comment on the registration form directed towards human signer-uppers with a support email address just in case. None of the 50 blocked attempts have used it, so…
Bots had managed to get around other plugins I’ve tried before, but not this one.
Guys, But seriously,, even if the bot-spammer gets through — its still very taxing on my server!
Im thinking of installing “BAD Behavior” but im really trying to limit the stuff I have installed/
any suggestions?
Aaaand we’re off topic. This thread is for reporting spammers on, not about how to implement anti-spamming measures on your own site. I am going to lock this thread.
If you are looking to report spamming issues on THIS SITE, please send a message to a forum moderator or find us in IRC chat.
If you are looking to discuss spam prevention on your own site, please make a new post or find an existing one.