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Starting over!

  • @terjemk


    Hey forum.

    I have some questions. I have a community site with about 600 users. As I have let another guy run the site over time its all messed up with the design, plugins, etc etc. And now it seems like to big of a job to revert everything step by step. I got lost.

    So I am thinking about deleting everything and build an new interface, new buddypress install, theme etc. BUT, how do I make sure that users, their profile info, forum posts etc not get deleted. I am not fluent in how databases work, what is stored where etc?

    Could any of you Buddypress troopers give me some advice to the steps needed to be taken and waht to be mindful of? Link to any resources etc.

    Any help would be appreciated.


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  • @venutius


    When you uninstall BuddyPress it does not delete the databases so reinstalling would not lose any data. However I don’t think that would help you very much if at all. Your issue will be with other plugins/customisations that have been added and these would not be removed just by reinstalling BuddyPress.

    For a BuddyPress site there’s a few areas where a site can be customised:

    By installing other plugins ( easily deactivated to remove those features)
    By adding customised theme files in a child theme, in particular:
    themes/child-theme/buddypress/... – BuddyPress specific theme files that have been modified.
    By adding a plugins/bp-custom.php file.

    Any extra customisations in the functions.php file would have to be removed and the file re-saved to the child theme directory.
    Files in the child-theme/buddypress directory structure can be isolated simply by changing their extension from php to old.
    The bp-custom.php file can be isolated by changing it’s extension to .old

    Anything in your child-theme directory would be ignored if you installed a new theme.

    The rest is down to the configuration of the theme, BuddyPress and any other plugins you wish to use.




    Thank you so much for a detailed answer. I think I understand what you are saying. Other than installing buddypress, extra plugins and a theme we have not done any extra customisations to the functions.php.

    So if i delete the buddypress plugin and the other plugins and the theme, I would get a quite clean start right?

    If I do so. Is there any special steps I need to take on when installing buddypress and other plugins again to make sure the users info shos up again or does that automatically happen?




    My understanding is that uninstalling BuddyPress would not remove the settings, so the new copy would simply take on the old settings.

    Plugins might be different, some of them delete their data, some don’t.



    Ok ic.

    But where are the settings for BuddyPress stored? DO you know?



    in Settings>>BuddyPress




    Thank you again for your help. I will go and delete BP and plugins and see what happens. I will get back to the thread to share my experiences.


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