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Take the BuddyPress Blocks Poll

  • @imath


    Hi BuddyPress Contributors, Developers & Users,

    Let’s talk about BuddyPress blocks!

    In 5.0.0, we introduced the BP REST API and a BuddyPress Blocks category: these two pieces are the foundation for inserting and organizing BuddyPress content within the Block Editor.

    The Development Team has been talking about possible ways BuddyPress could take advantage of what the Gutenberg Project brings to WordPress. We have some ideas but we would like to know what you would use BuddyPress blocks for. Let us know your thoughts by taking this poll.

    Take the BuddyPress Blocks Poll

    To tease your imagination we’ve added a list of possible BuddyPress blocks, though you should feel free to add your own ideas using the last checkbox. If the checkbox entry form is too limited for explaining your idea, use the comment form below the poll to share your thoughts with us.

    Thanks a lot for your contributions!

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  • @soulpowered


    Hi imath!I was wondering if you could please help me. I accidentally deleted the pages associated with BuddyPress, like the activity page, and the members page, and maybe more ..but those two for sure, I thought they were associated with this different plugin, but they were not “oops”, now my dashboard recognizes that those components are missing, which all these components ” Members, Activity Streams, Activate, Register.”, it is telling me to repair them, which I tried, it says associate each page … but the problem is I cant create just another normal site page because, I do not know how to add the “index.php” part before the page name which seems to be what is needed in the permalink… so that is what I am looking to do, is to fix those components, but I am not sure how I can do that, will you please help me?




    Hi @soulpowered You should find a dropdown list to do the page association:

    Page Association admin

    If the Dropdown contains no choice, you just need to create a new WordPress page and come back to the settings screen to select it.



    Thank you so much for your response!



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