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test 1.2

  • vanicon


    downloaded your test version for regular wordpress. Set it over here, activated, strip shows but now see friends or write to whom it is not possible and why it shows a strange way / example, but such folder / non-existent site

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  • It will not work when WP is in a sub dir until I check in the changes needed.



    Very sorry for me, I waited too long for this moment and when I found out was very glad, really, I was not able to appreciate the beauty of it on a regular wordpress before the end of 2009. If I’m your first rabbit subject to this address ready for any tests. Believe me it is very necessary.




    whahahhaha “If I am your first rabbit”. That line cracked me up. I want some of the stuff you’re smoking and then I would probably be able to help you out with whatever issue you seem to be having with BP!



    I sense the presence of machine translation.



    WPMU trunk-r2041 and BP trunk-r2222

    Can’t Create Blog

    – had to go in again and do the bp-core > bp-core-adminbar.php fix of 1stAngel to make it work.



    You mean that my office smells of machine translation, it is true. I have been following this plugin and have always wished that he had worked on a simple wordpress, but the Internet was not the solution, and wordpress mu I do not like, and I think the engine for social networking little weak (but this is only my personal opinion) , but the plugin itself buddypress can work wonders, but only for a simple wordpress. Of course we are not standing still and slightly altered this plug-in, hard to write him a simple wordpress, but some errors were, and blogs all set up on a different principle. truth will automatically create them failed, but still worked, did not work for some reason, some functions of the transfer of messages between users and groups, and something else. And when I heard that Andrew has decided that the problem of course, turned here, as at present a couple of projects are not ready, just because of the absence of such plagina.Etot plugin will be needed not only to me but I’m sure many other users. I have already raised this issue at one of the forums and site for translators buddypress into Russian Vyacheslav, and very glad that the problem is finally solved

    Nothing like literal translation, love it. I think I get the jist of it.

    Also, BuddyPress will now work in a sub directory install of single Wp.



    Sorry that I do not understand, or translator of Google’s brain is cooking, or something else, but there in a folder / pravoslavie separate engine wordpress. And when it will run your plug-in 1.2, for a long time to wait, even ready to throw New Year celebration, and begin testing this miracle. Mailbox you know.

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