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There was a problem cropping your profile photo.

  • @walkerdesign1


    I currently have BuddyPress Version 2.5.1 installed and I am uploading an avatar to the members profile. The avatar uploads but I receive the error message – There was a problem cropping your profile photo. And then the upload fails.

    I am running PHP Version 5.4.43 with the current host.

    Does anyone know if this is a php version issue or if there is another fix for this issue?

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  • @henrywright


    The PHP version you’re using shouldn’t matter unless it’s < 5.2. Also JavaScript is responsible for the actual cropping. I’m guessing you’ve either modified your template in some way or are using some conflicting JavaScript elsewhere?



    Figured out the problem. The file name for the profile image was too long. It needed to be shortened. Upload and cropping is working great.



    Great 😀



    Same problem here, I’ve tried to upload an image called “believe.jpg” but it’s not working… I’ve tried with php7, php5.4 and php5.6, nothing seems to fix the problem 🙁



    I am having the same issues. I can upload and set the crop marks but then when I click save I get “There was a problem cropping your profile photo.”

    I have updated buddypress and bbpress, made sure my file permissions on the avatar and uploads folder are set to 777

    No clue why this is happening.



    Thank you @walkerdesign1. I’m not sure I would have ever considered that the filename would be too long, but that fixed the problem for me. This could really use some improved error handling.



    First give ‘777’ permission to uploads folder using

    sudo chmod -R 777 uploads then

    Run the following commands in your server

    sudo apt-get install php5-gd /*After installing above package*/

    sudo apt-get update /*After updating all the packages*/

    sudo service apache2 restart





    I am still facing this issue, even after giving all the permission & uploading an image with a small name.
    Buddypress 2.8.2
    wordpress 4.7.5
    Please provide a resolution to this, I want to have an upload avatar option in the register page.
    I am using “Buddypress avatar upload ajax” plugin for this.



    I used a shorter name.. it worked.
    does anyone know if there is a way to provide a link to the photo – just like it takes it from Gravatar.. can we provide a link from another picture to be able to accept it as Profile Photo

    I am thinking this way we can avoid cropping GIF and be able to use GIF as profile photo

    any help on this



    Thanks for sharing your solution. Shortening the filename worked for me too.

    I’m going to search Buddypress Trac and see if the authors are aware of it. I’ll report it if it’s not in there.



    This forum is filled with outdated responses, but I will try to get an answer anyway.

    I received an email from WordPress that says:
    “Since WordPress 5.2 there is a built-in feature that detects when a plugin or theme causes a fatal error on your site, and notifies you with this automated email. In this case, WordPress caught an error with one of your plugins, BuddyPress to WordPress Full Sync.

    Everything on my server-side is updated.
    WordPress version 5.9.3
    Current theme: Cera (version 1.1.13)
    BuddyPress 10.2.0.
    BuddyPress to WordPress Full Sync (version 0.3.7)
    PHP version 7.4.28

    I deactivated, then subsequently deleted BuddyPress to WordPress Full Sync. I then downloaded a clean copy of the plugin from the WordPress plugins page. I re-installed and re-activated it without difficulty.

    I still cannot upload the group profile picture. I can upload the group cover image, but not the profile picture. The image uploads but fails at the cropping stage. I have read the other responses. My file name was never long, but even the file name “g1” does not work, so the filename length does not seem to be the issue. I have tried different sizes and extensions (.png and .jpeg) with consistent failure.

    Please help resolve this issue.



    Check your browser’s inspection tool > console for javascript errors.
    Turn on WP Debug and then check your error log.
    Post the relevant errors here.

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