@neodjandre – The way the feature works is somewhat deceptive, what it does is posts a message on the screen (rather than their inbox) similar to what facebook does here – https://tctechcrunch2011.files.wordpress.com/2012/01/facebook-groups-news-feed-error-message.png and it requires the template tag:
As seen in the default theme sidebar – https://buddypress.trac.wordpress.org/browser/trunk/bp-themes/bp-default/sidebar.php#L26
I see… where exactly is the message displayed?
I might ask my developer to help me set it up cause I can’t figure this out myself..
It should display whereever `bp_message_get_notices();` is located in the template files (in the default theme, by default it should show when theirs a message and the user is logged in, right below the log out link in the sidebar.
“I might ask my developer to help me set it up cause I can’t figure this out myself..”
Good idea. That’s my motto: When in doubt, ask an expert